我有一个应用程序(.net framework 4,vb.net),它最初是一个VB6应用程序。 为了模仿旧选项卡控件行为的一部分,我正在实现加速键,允许您切换到另一个选项卡。 例 - 带有5个选项卡的TabControl。 - 标签2有一个带有文本框的标签和数据(alt-d加速器) - 用户选择了选项卡1,并点击alt-d,使选项卡控件选择选项卡2并将焦点设置为相应的文本框。
例如,myTextbox.Text =“here& friend”会导致Alt-F将焦点设置在该框上。
我可以明确检查控件类型是否是标签......但是我还需要groupboxes和... whatelse?按钮我也应该允许助记符...
Private Function IsMnemonicInThisContainer(charCode As Char, controlContainer As System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlCollection) As Boolean
For Each ctrl As Control In controlContainer
If Control.IsMnemonic(charCode, ctrl.Text) Then
If ControlIsAlive(ctrl) Then
Return True
End If
ElseIf ctrl.HasChildren Then
If ControlIsAlive(ctrl) AndAlso IsMnemonicInThisContainer(charCode, ctrl.Controls) Then
Return True
End If
End If
Return False
End Function
Private Function ControlIsAlive(ctrl As Control) As Boolean
' In a TABPAGE that is not selected, the controls all appear to be visible = FALSE,
' because they aren't actually "visible" - HOWEVER... the control itself may be expecting
' to be visible (once it's tab is shown)... so this call to GetStateMethodInfo which I grabbed from
' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3351371/using-control-visible-returns-false-if-its-on-a-tab-page-that-is-not-selected
' is the solution I needed.
' Instead of walking the tree though I am going to "check containers" as I drop into them... if they are not enabled/visible
' then I'm not going to go any deeper
' Is control enabled and going to be shown? (calling ctrl.visible allows us to bypass the other call if we can!)
Return (ctrl.Enabled AndAlso (ctrl.Visible OrElse CBool(GetStateMethodInfo.Invoke(ctrl, New Object() {2}))))
End Function
如果Typeof ctrl是Label orelse Typeof ctrl是groupbox(etc ...)...
谢谢! 克里斯伍德拉夫