如何在flex 4中的textarea中的当前光标位置下获取单词

时间:2011-10-02 02:41:31

标签: actionscript-3 flex4 textarea


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


答案 1 :(得分:0)


public function currentWord(ta:RichEditableText):String
    var wordBegin:int = ta.selectionAnchorPosition;
    var wordEnd:int = ta.selectionAnchorPosition;
    // while the previous char is a word character... let's find out where the word starts
    while (ta.text.charAt(wordBegin-1).search(/\w+/) > -1 && wordBegin > 0 ) { wordBegin--; }
    // while the next char is a word character... let's find out where the word ends
    while (ta.text.charAt(wordEnd).search(/\w+/) > -1 && wordEnd > 0 ) { wordEnd++; }
    return ta.text.substring(wordBegin, wordEnd);