注意:我想在屏幕上相对于彼此绘制它们,但 不 到任何其他地图或其他任何地方,以及数字M周围的gps点可能会增加或减少,但总是在M周围500米处。
M将位于屏幕的中心。 ScreeWidth = 320,ScreenHeight = 400
M = 31.484083, 74.392708,
A = 31.483552, 74.392386 and distance from M is 66.42 Meters approximately
B = 31.483534, 74.392532 and distance from M is 63.23 Meters approximately
C = 31.483421, 74.392434 and distance from M is 78.00 Meters approximately
M将在屏幕的WIDTH / 2和HEIGHT / 2处绘制
答案 0 :(得分:2)
嗯,你需要实现一个方法,将lat / lon映射到像素,将像素映射到lat lon ......或者确定距参考点M的距离/方位角的方法,然后将该距离/ azomith映射到a像素值。
如果您希望通过lat / lon引用 - 使用每像素纬度和每像素经度度数的某些设定度数的线性像素图。我建议去谷歌地球,并检查你感兴趣的区域的纬度和经度的不同是500米。纬度在世界各地的每个点都设定为60海里/度,而且我非常确定经度类似于每度60 * cos(纬度)海里(近似值,google this)。
有一种方法可以将lat lon或dist / az映射到pix值。其余的只是绘图。
祝你好运下面是名为vreckon和geodistance的代码,你可以自己解析它,如果你想在java中实现 - 我已经自己做了vreckon所以我会给你工作的vreckon java,如果你想做地理距离(检查距离)在两个纬度点之间)你需要自己做。
hvDistance是距你的纬度点的水平距离,latitudeOrigin和longitudeOrigin是你的lat / lon位置,方位角是你的原点的方向。
private void vreckon(){
double rng = hvDistance;
double m = 6;
double a = 6378137.0;
double f = 1/298.257223563;
double b = a*(1-f);
double lat0 = deg2rad(latitudeOrigin);
double lon0 = deg2rad(longitudeOrigin);
double az = deg2rad(azimuth);
double axa = a*a;
double bxb = b*b;
double tan_U1 = (1-f)*Math.sin(lat0)/Math.cos(lat0);
double U1 = Math.atan(tan_U1);
double cos_alfa1 = Math.cos(az);
double sig1 = Math.atan2(tan_U1, cos_alfa1);
double cos_U1 = Math.cos(U1);
double sin_alfa1 = Math.sin(az);
double sin_alfa = cos_U1*sin_alfa1;
double cos2_alfa = (1-sin_alfa)*(1+sin_alfa);
double uxu = cos2_alfa*(axa-bxb)/bxb;
double A = 1+uxu/16384*(4096+uxu*(-768+uxu*(320-175*uxu)));
double B = uxu/1024*(256+uxu*(-128+uxu*(74-47*uxu)));
double sig = rng/(b*A);
double change = 1;
double twosig_m;
double cos_twosig_m;
double cos2_twosig_m;
double dsig;
double sigold;
while(Math.abs(change) > 1e-9){
twosig_m = 2*sig1+sig;
cos_twosig_m = Math.cos(twosig_m);
cos2_twosig_m = cos_twosig_m*cos_twosig_m;
dsig = B*Math.sin(sig)*(cos_twosig_m+1/4*B*(Math.cos(sig)*(-1+2.*cos2_twosig_m)-1/6*B*cos_twosig_m*(-3+4*(Math.sin(sig)*Math.sin(sig)))*(-3+4*cos2_twosig_m)));
sigold = sig;
sig = rng/(b*A)+dsig;
change = sig-sigold;
twosig_m = 2*sig1+sig;
cos_twosig_m = Math.cos(twosig_m);
cos2_twosig_m = cos_twosig_m*cos_twosig_m;
double sin_U1 = Math.sin(U1);
double cos_sig = Math.cos(sig);
double sin_sig = Math.sin(sig);
double sin2_alfa = sin_alfa*sin_alfa;
double latOut = Math.atan2(sin_U1*cos_sig+cos_U1*sin_sig*cos_alfa1,(1-f)*Math.sqrt(sin2_alfa+(sin_U1*sin_sig-cos_U1*cos_sig*cos_alfa1)*(sin_U1*sin_sig-cos_U1*cos_sig*cos_alfa1)));
double lambda = Math.atan2(sin_sig*sin_alfa1,cos_U1*cos_sig-sin_U1*sin_sig*cos_alfa1);
double C = f/16*cos2_alfa*(4+f*(4-3*cos2_alfa));
double L = lambda-(1-C)*f*sin_alfa*(sig+C*sin_sig*(cos_twosig_m+C*cos_sig*(-1+2*cos2_twosig_m)));
double lonOut = L+lon0;
latOut = rad2deg(latOut);
lonOut = rad2deg(lonOut);
reckonedLatitude = latOut;
reckonedLongitude = lonOut;
function [r az] = geodistance(lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2,ellip,earthR)
%GEODISTANCE: Calculates the distance in meters between two points on earth surface.
% Usage: r = geodistance(lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2, ellipsoid ) ;
% Coordinates values should be specified in decimal degrees.
% Method can be an integer between 1 and 23, default is m = 6.
% Methods 1 and 2 are based on spherical trigonometry and a
% spheroidal model for the earth, respectively.
% Methods 3 to 24 use Vincenty's formulae, based on ellipsoid
% parameters.
% Here it follows the correspondence between m and thge type of
% ellipsoid:
% m = 3 -> ANS , m = 4 -> GRS80, m = 5 -> WGS72,
% m = 6 -> WGS84, m = 7 -> NSWC-9Z2,
% m = 8 -> Clarke 1866, m = 9 -> Clarke 1880,
% m = 10 -> Airy 1830,
% m = 11 -> Bessel 1841 (Ethiopia,Indonesia,Japan,Korea),
% m = 12 -> Bessel 1841 (Namibia),
% m = 13 -> Sabah and Sarawak (Everest,Brunei,E.Malaysia),
% m = 14 -> India 1830, m = 15 -> India 1956,
% m = 16 -> W. Malaysia and Singapore 1948,
% m = 17 -> W. Malaysia 1969,
% m = 18 -> Helmert 1906, m = 19 -> Helmert 1960,
% m = 20 -> Hayford International 1924,
% m = 21 -> Hough 1960, m = 22 -> Krassovsky 1940,
% m = 23 -> Modified Fischer 1960,
% m = 24 -> South American 1969.
% Important notes:
% 1)South latitudes are negative.
% 2)East longitudes are positive.
% 3)Great circle distance is the shortest distance between two points
% on a sphere. This coincides with the circumference of a circle which
% passes through both points and the centre of the sphere.
% 4)Geodesic distance is the shortest distance between two points on a spheroid.
% 5)Normal section distance is formed by a plane on a spheroid containing a
% point at one end of the line and the normal of the point at the other end.
% For all practical purposes, the difference between a normal section and a
% geodesic distance is insignificant.
% 6)The method m=2 assumes a spheroidal model for the earth with an average
% radius of 6364.963 km. It has been derived for use within Australia.
% The formula is estimated to have an accuracy of about 200 metres over 50 km,
% but may deteriorate with longer distances.
% However, it is not symmetric when the points are exchanged.
% Based loosely from code from orodrig@aulg.pt
% Vastly modified and improved.
% By J. Sullivan 12/2010
%% Defensive Programming
if any([isempty(lat1) isempty(lon1) isempty(lat2) isempty(lon2)]);
error('One or more input arguments are empty.')
%% Farm out to GPU, if possible
if any([numel(lat1) numel(lat2) numel(lon1) numel(lon2)] > 250000) ...
&& ~any([numel(lat1) numel(lat2) numel(lon1) numel(lon2)] > 6000000)
[lat1 lat2 lon1 lon2] = makeIntoGPUArrays(lat1,lat2,lon1,lon2);
%% Prepare the Data
r = [ ];
lambda1 = lon1*pi/180;
phi1 = lat1*pi/180;
lambda2 = lon2*pi/180;
phi2 = lat2*pi/180;
isEast = lon1 < lon2;
L = lambda2 - lambda1;
%% Load Earth Ellipsoid Models
alla = [earthRadius 0 6378160 6378137.0 6378135 6378137.0 6378145 6378206.4 6378249.145,...
6377563.396 6377397.155 6377483.865,...
6377298.556 6377276.345 6377301.243 6377304.063 6377295.664 6378200 6378270 6378388 6378270 6378245,...
6378155 6378160];
allf = [0 0 1/298.25 1/298.257222101 1/298.26 1/298.257223563 1/298.25 1/294.9786982 1/293.465,...
1/299.3249646 1/299.1528128,...
1/299.1528128 1/300.8017 1/300.8017 1/300.8017 1/300.8017 1/300.8017 1/298.3 1/297 1/297 1/297,...
1/298.3 1/298.3 1/298.25];
%% Choose Ellipsoid
if nargin > 4 && length(ellip) == 2;
m = inf;
a = ellip(1);
b = a*cos(ellip(2));
f = (a-b)/a;
elseif nargin < 5
m = 6;
a = alla(6);
f = allf(6);
b = a*(1-f);
elseif length(ellip) == 1
m = ellip;
a = alla(ellip);
f = allf(ellip);
b = a*(1-f);
samePoint = gather(abs( lambda1 - lambda2 ) < eps) & gather(abs( phi1 - phi2 ) < eps);
%% Sheperical Earth
if m == 1 % Great Circle Distance, based on spherical trigonometry
clear lat1 lat2 lon1 lon2
if nargin < 6; earthR = a; end
tmp = sin(phi1).*sin(phi2)+cos(phi1).*cos(phi2).*cos(lambda2-lambda1);
tmp(tmp > 1) = 1;
r = earthR.*acos(tmp);
r = gather(abs(r));
if nargout > 1
az = atan2(cos(phi2).*sin(lambda2-lambda1),cos(phi1).*sin(phi2)...
% Azimuths are undefined at the poles, so we choose a convention: zero at
% the north pole and pi at the south pole.
az(phi1 <= -pi/2) = 0;
az(phi2 >= pi/2) = 0;
az(phi2 <= -pi/2) = pi;
az(phi1 >= pi/2) = pi;
az = gather(rad2deg(az));
elseif m == 2 % Spheroidal model for the earth
% Azimuth Calculations for this model are NOT consistant with a
% spheriod.
term1 = 111.08956*( lat1 - lat2 + 0.000001 );
term2 = cos( phi1 + ( (phi2 - phi1)/2 ) );
term3 = ( lon2 - lon1 + 0.000001 )/( lat2 - lat1 + 0.000001 );
r = 1000*abs( term1/cos( atan( term2*term3 ) ) );
if nargout > 1
az = atan2(cos(phi2).*sin(lambda2-lambda1),cos(phi1).*sin(phi2)...
% Azimuths are undefined at the poles, so we choose a convention: zero at
% the north pole and pi at the south pole.
az(phi1 <= -pi/2) = 0;
az(phi2 >= pi/2) = 0;
az(phi2 <= -pi/2) = pi;
az(phi1 >= pi/2) = pi;
az = rad2deg(az);
%% Apply Vincenty's formulae
clear lambda1 lambda2 lat1 lat2 lon1 lon2
axa = a^2;
bxb = b^2;
U1 = atan( ( 1 - f )*tan( phi1 ) );
U2 = atan( ( 1 - f )*tan( phi2 ) );
clear phi1 phi2
lambda = L;
lambda_old = sqrt(-1);
ntrials = 0;
while gather(any(any( abs( lambda - lambda_old ) > 1e-9 )))
ntrials = ntrials + 1;
lambda_old = lambda;
sin_sigma = sqrt( ( cos(U2).*sin(lambda) ).^2 + ( cos(U1).*sin(U2) - sin(U1).*cos(U2).*cos(lambda) ).^2 );
cos_sigma = sin( U1 ).*sin( U2 ) + cos( U1 ).*cos( U2 ).*cos( lambda );
sigma = atan2( sin_sigma,cos_sigma );
sin_alpha = cos( U1 ).*cos( U2 ).*sin( lambda )./sin_sigma;
cos2_alpha = 1 - sin_alpha.^2;
cos_2sigmam = cos_sigma - 2.*sin( U1 ).*sin( U2 )./cos2_alpha;
C = (f/16).*cos2_alpha.*( 4 + f.*( 4 - 3.*cos2_alpha ) );
lambda = L + ( 1 - C ).*f.*sin_alpha.*( sigma + C.*sin_sigma.*( ...
cos_2sigmam + C.*cos_sigma.*( -1 + 2*( cos_2sigmam ).^2 ) ) );
if ntrials > 1000
disp('Convergence failure...')
clear C sin_alpha lambda_old L
%% Get Distance After Convergence acheived
uxu = cos2_alpha.*(axa - bxb)./bxb;
clear cos2_alpha bxb axa
A = 1 + (uxu/16384).*(4096 + uxu.*(-768 + uxu.*(320 - 175.*uxu)));
B = (uxu./1024).*(256 + uxu.*(-128 + uxu.*(74 - 47.*uxu)));
clear uxu
delta_sigma = B.*sin_sigma.*(cos_2sigmam + (B/4).*(cos_sigma.*...
(-1 + 2.*cos_2sigmam.^2) -(B/6).*cos_2sigmam.*(-3 + 4.*sin_sigma.^2)...
.*(-3 + 4.*cos_2sigmam.^2)));
clear sin_sigma cos_sigma cos_2sigmam B
delta_sigma(isnan(delta_sigma)) = 0;
r = gather(b.*A.*(sigma - delta_sigma));
clear sigma A delta_sigma
%% Same Point Check
r(samePoint) = 0;
%% Calculate Azimuth if needed
if nargout >= 2
lambda(gather(isnan(lambda)) & gather(isEast)) = pi/2;
lambda(gather(isnan(lambda)) & ~gather(isEast)) = -pi/2;
az = rad2deg(atan2(cos(U2).*sin(lambda),cos(U1).*sin(U2)-sin(U1).*cos(U2).*cos(lambda)));
clear U1 U2 lambda
az = gather(zero22pi(az));
az(samePoint) = 0;
% clearvars -except az r
答案 1 :(得分:2)
public static POINT XY(double centerLatitude, double centerLongitude, double Latitude, double Longitude, double MetersPerPixel) {
double rto = 1/MetersPerPixel;
double dLAT = ((centerLatitude - Latitude)/ 0.00001) * rto;
double dLNG = -1 * ((centerLongitude - Longitude) / 0.00001) * rto;
int y = (int)Math.round(dLAT);
int x = (int)Math.round(dLNG);
POINT crd = new POINT(x, y );
return crd;