
时间:2009-04-16 17:40:19

标签: python tree hierarchical-trees


我想将此列表转换为层次结构dict。 输出字典的示例:

             'Virtual Worlds':{},


5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:12)

这是一个不太复杂的递归版本,如chmod 700所描述的。完全未经测试的当然:

def build_tree(nodes):
    # create empty tree to fill
    tree = {}

    # fill in tree starting with roots (those with no parent)
    build_tree_recursive(tree, None, nodes)

    return tree

def build_tree_recursive(tree, parent, nodes):
    # find children
    children  = [n for n in nodes if n.parent == parent]

    # build a subtree for each child
    for child in children:
        # start new subtree
        tree[child.name] = {}

        # call recursively to build a subtree for current node
        build_tree_recursive(tree[child.name], child, nodes)

答案 1 :(得分:2)


答案 2 :(得分:2)

听起来你基本上想要做的是topological sorting的变体。最常见的算法是源删除算法。伪代码看起来像这样:

import copy
def TopSort(elems): #elems is an unsorted list of elements.
    unsorted = set(elems)
    output_dict = {}
    for item in elems:
        if item.is_root():
            output_dict[item.name] = {}
            FindChildren(unsorted, item.name, output_dict[item.name])
    return output_dict

def FindChildren(unsorted, name, curr_dict):
    for item in unsorted:
        if item.parent == name:
            curr_dict[item.name] = {}
            #NOTE:  the next line won't work in Python.  You
            #can't modify a set while iterating over it.
            FindChildren(unsorted, item.name, curr_dict[item.name])


答案 3 :(得分:0)


def build_tree(category_data):
  top_level_map = {}
  cat_map = {}
  for cat_name, parent, depth in cat_data:
    cat_map.setdefault(parent, {})
    cat_map.setdefault(cat_name, {})
    cat_map[parent][cat_name] = cat_map[cat_name]
    if depth == 0:
      top_level_map[cat_name] = cat_map[cat_name]

  return top_level_map

答案 4 :(得分:0)


def build_tree(elems):
  elem_with_children = {}

  def _build_children_sub_tree(parent):
      cur_dict = {
          'id': parent,
          # put whatever attributes here
      if parent in elem_with_children.keys():
          cur_dict["children"] = [_build_children_sub_tree(cid) for cid in elem_with_children[parent]]
      return cur_dict

  for item in elems:
      cid = item['id']
      pid = item['parent']
      elem_with_children.setdefault(pid, []).append(cid)

  res = _build_children_sub_tree(-1) # -1 is your root
  return res