
时间:2011-09-05 12:44:17

标签: actionscript-3 class mouseevent mouse target


package src {
import flash.display.Shape;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
import flash.text.TextFormat;
public class menuitem00 extends Shape {
    public var activateFlag:Boolean = false;
    public var name00:String = "";
    public var xml00:String = "";
    public var txt00:TextField = new TextField();

    private var OM:MovieClip;
    private var id00:Number = 0;

    public function menuitem00(n:int ,OE:MovieClip ,xmlf:String):void {
        trace (" Text Field Object with buffer ");
        OM = OE;    id00 = n;   xml00 = xmlf;
    public function init():void{
        // textfield

        txt00.selectable = false;
        txt00.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
        txt00.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat("Impact", 36,0x66AAFF);
        txt00.text = name00;
        txt00.border = true;
        txt00.borderColor = 0x00FF00;
        txt00.sharpness = 100;
        txt00.x = 0;
        txt00.y = (id00 * txt00.height) + 1;
        txt00.z = 0;

}  ..现在我使用for循环将该类的实例添加到舞台上的影片剪辑中:

for (var i:int = 0; i<Bunker[0]["trans0size"]; i++) {
    menuData[i] = new menuitem00(i, menu_mc, Bunker[0]["transfile0" + i]);// pass i , a movieclip named menu_mc and an xml file name 
    menuData[i].name00 = Bunker[0]["transtitle0" + i]; // pass text 
    menuData[i].activateFlag = true; // set actveFlag to true
    menuData[i].init(); // run init() inside the instance. it adds textfield to the menu_mc and also set name00 as Text for the textField


stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clk, false, 0, true);
public function clk(evt:MouseEvent):void{   //// mouse 
    trace (" Name: " + evt.target.text);
    //trace (evt.target.xml00);

这是我的问题 - &gt;我希望通过鼠标单击从舞台上的该实例获取“xml00”var,但trace (evt.target.xml00);无法正常工作.. trace (evt.target.name00);也无效。我可以从.alpha获取.texttxt00之类的内容,但不能获取对象中的其他变量。任何的想法 ?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


menuData[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clk, ...);


this.mouseChildren = false;




stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clk, ...);

private function clk (evt:MouseEvent):void
  if (evt.currentTarget is menuitem00)
    var item:menuitem00 = evt.currentTarget as menuitem00;
    trace(item.xml00);  // or any other public variable 

但仍然会将mouseChildren = false;添加到您的班级。

<强> EDIT2


public class MenuItem extends Sprite {
  private var _activateFlag:Boolean;
  private var _xml:String;
  private var _txt:TextField;
  private var _id:Number;

  public function MenuItem (n:int, xmlf:String) {
    trace (" Text Field Object with buffer ");
    _id = n;
    _xml = xmlf;
    _activeFlag = true;

    this.mouseChildren = false;

    // create txt
    _txt = new TextField();
    // do the formating here ...

  public function getXml():String {
    return _xml;

for (var i:int = 0; i<Bunker[0]["trans0size"]; i++) {
  var item:MenuItem = new MenuItem(i, Bunker[0]["transfile0" + i]);
  item.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clk, false, 0, true);
  menuData[i] = item;

private function clk (evt:MouseEvent):void {
  var item:MenuItem = evt.target as MenuItem;
  if (item != null) {
    trace(item.getXml());  // use a getter and don't access the variable directly
