测试位创建字符串 - 有更好的方法吗?

时间:2009-04-01 16:59:54

标签: c++ c string loops bit-manipulation

此代码有效,但我想知道是否有更好的方法。基本上我需要测试位,并根据位的状态将适当的字符或字符写入字符串。存在空格是因为字符将以固定宽度字体显示,并且我希望它们不会移动。 C或C ++很好。

const char* Letters[10] = {"A", "B", "Sl", "St", "R", "L", "U", "D", "RS", "LS"};
const char* Ext[2] = {"X", "Y"};
const char* Spaces[10]  = {" ", " ", "  ", "  ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "  ", "  "};

char str[60];
char FinalString[60];

void MakeBitString(u16 data, u16 dataExt) {

    int x;
    strcpy(str, "");

    for (x = 0; x < 2; x++) {

        //X and Y
        if(dataExt & (1 << x)) {
            strcat(str, Spaces[x]); 
            strcat(str, Ext[x]);

    for (x = 0; x < 10; x++) {

        //the rest
        if(data & (1 << x)) {
            strcat(str, Spaces[x]); 
            strcat(str, Letters[x]);

    strcpy(FinalString, str);

7 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

  • 使用std :: string代替char *和strcat;
  • 为什么你需要带空格的数组?它似乎只是一个空间;
  • 你有两个u16参数的几乎同义的代码 - 做一个小函数并调用它两次;
  • 不要在全局变量中写入结果 - return std :: string

答案 1 :(得分:3)




char FinalString[60];

void ConcatBitLabel(char ** str, u16 data, u16 bitMask, const char * label)
    if (data & bitMask)
        // append spaces for strlen(label)
        while (*label) { *((*str)++) = ' '; label++; }
        // append the label
        while (*label) { *((*str)++) = *label; label++; }

void MakeBitString(u16 data, u16 dataExt)
    char * strPtr = FinalString;

    ConcatBitLabel(&strPtr, dataExt, 0x0001, "X");
    ConcatBitLabel(&strPtr, dataExt, 0x0002, "Y");

    ConcatBitLabel(&strPtr, data, 0x0001, "A");
    ConcatBitLabel(&strPtr, data, 0x0002, "B");
    ConcatBitLabel(&strPtr, data, 0x0004, "Sl");
    ConcatBitLabel(&strPtr, data, 0x0008, "St");
    ConcatBitLabel(&strPtr, data, 0x0010, "R");
    ConcatBitLabel(&strPtr, data, 0x0020, "L");
    ConcatBitLabel(&strPtr, data, 0x0040, "U");
    ConcatBitLabel(&strPtr, data, 0x0080, "D");
    ConcatBitLabel(&strPtr, data, 0x0100, "RS");
    ConcatBitLabel(&strPtr, data, 0x0200, "LS");

    *strPtr = 0; // terminate the string

答案 2 :(得分:3)

基本上C ++解决方案看起来像

Codes convert( std::size_t data,
               const Codes& ext, 
               const Codes& letters )
    Codes result;
    std::transform( ext.begin(),
                    std::back_inserter( result ),
                    Converter( data ) );

    std::transform( letters.begin(),
                    std::back_inserter( result ),
                    Converter( data ) );
    return result;


struct Converter
    Converter( std::size_t value ):
        value_( value ), x_( 0 )
    std::string operator() ( const std::string& bitPresentation )
        return ( value_ & ( 1 << x_++ ) ) ?
            std::string( bitPresentation.size(), ' ' ):
    std::size_t value_;
    std::size_t x_;


std::string codesToString( const Codes& codes )
    std::ostringstream stringStream;
    std::copy( codes.begin(), codes.end(), 
               std::ostream_iterator<std::string>( stringStream ) );
    return stringStream.str();

答案 3 :(得分:1)

以一些动态分配为代价(在std :: string内),您可以通过不使用任何硬编码来更容易地修改此代码:

#define ARRAYSIZE(A) (sizeof(A)/sizeof((A)[0]))

std::string MakeBitString(u16 data, const std::string* letters, int count) {
    std::string s;
    for (int x = 0; x < count; x++) {
        if (data & (1 << x))
            s.append(letters[x].size(), ' '); 
            s += letters[x];
    return s;

std::string MakeBitString(u16 data, u16 dataExt) {
    const std::string Letters[] = {"A", "B", "Sl", "St", "R", "L", "U", "D", "RS", "LS"};
    const std::string Ext[] = {"X", "Y"};

    std::string s = MakeBitString(dataExt, Ext, ARRAYSIZE(Ext));
    s += MakeBitString(dataExt, Letters, ARRAYSIZE(Letters));
    return s;

答案 4 :(得分:0)


答案 5 :(得分:0)


#define EXT_STR "XY"
const char FullStr[] =  EXT_STR DATA_STR;
#define  EXT_SZ  2 //strlen(EXT_STR);

void MakeBitStr(u16 data, u16 dataExt) {
    char* dest = FinalString;
    const char* src= FullStr;
    u16 input = (data<<EXT_SZ)|dataExt;
    u16 wide = (0x30C<<EXT_SZ)|0;  //set bit for every 2char tag;
    while ((src-FullStr)<sizeof(FullStr))
    {   *dest++ = (input&1)?' ':*src;
        if (wide&1)
        { wide&=~1;
        { input>>=1;wide>>=1;

答案 6 :(得分:0)


std::string MakeBitString(u16 data, u16 dataExt) {
    std::string ret;

    static const char *letters = "A B SlStR L U D RSLS";
    static const char *ext = "XY";
    static const char *spaces = "  ";

    for(int bit = 0; bit < 2; ++bit) {
        const char *which = (dataExt & 1) ? &ext[bit] : spaces;

        ret += std::string(which, 0, 1);

        dataExt >>= 1;

    for(int bit = 0; bit < 10; ++bit) {
        const int length = letters[bit * 2 + 1] == ' ' ?  1 : 2;
        const char *which = (dataExt & 1) ? &letters[bit * 2] : spaces;

        ret += std::string(which, 0, length);

        dataExt >>= 1;

    return ret;