答案 0 :(得分:23)
它还使用BitmapFactory.Options.inPurgeable,这似乎是一个稀疏文档但是在使用大量位图时阻止OoM异常的理想选项。 更新:不再使用inPurgeable,请参阅Romain的this note
* Read the image from the stream and create a bitmap scaled to the desired
* size. Resulting bitmap will be at least as large as the
* desired minimum specified dimensions and will keep the image proportions
* correct during scaling.
protected Bitmap createScaledBitmapFromStream( InputStream s, int minimumDesiredBitmapWith, int minimumDesiredBitmapHeight ) {
final BufferedInputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(s, 32*1024);
try {
final Options decodeBitmapOptions = new Options();
// For further memory savings, you may want to consider using this option
// decodeBitmapOptions.inPreferredConfig = Config.RGB_565; // Uses 2-bytes instead of default 4 per pixel
if( minimumDesiredBitmapWidth >0 && minimumDesiredBitmapHeight >0 ) {
final Options decodeBoundsOptions = new Options();
decodeBoundsOptions.inJustDecodeBounds = true;
is.mark(32*1024); // 32k is probably overkill, but 8k is insufficient for some jpgs
final int originalWidth = decodeBoundsOptions.outWidth;
final int originalHeight = decodeBoundsOptions.outHeight;
// inSampleSize prefers multiples of 2, but we prefer to prioritize memory savings
decodeBitmapOptions.inSampleSize= Math.max(1,Math.min(originalWidth / minimumDesiredBitmapWidth, originalHeight / minimumDesiredBitmapHeight));
return BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is,null,decodeBitmapOptions);
} catch( IOException e ) {
throw new RuntimeException(e); // this shouldn't happen
} finally {
try {
} catch( IOException ignored ) {}
答案 1 :(得分:1)
这是我的版本,基于@emmby解决方案(感谢man!) 我已经包含了第二个阶段,您可以使用缩小的位图并再次缩放以精确匹配所需的尺寸。 我的版本采用文件路径而不是流。
protected Bitmap createScaledBitmap(String filePath, int desiredBitmapWith, int desiredBitmapHeight) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException {
BufferedInputStream imageFileStream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(filePath));
try {
// Phase 1: Get a reduced size image. In this part we will do a rough scale down
int sampleSize = 1;
if (desiredBitmapWith > 0 && desiredBitmapHeight > 0) {
final BitmapFactory.Options decodeBoundsOptions = new BitmapFactory.Options();
decodeBoundsOptions.inJustDecodeBounds = true;
imageFileStream.mark(64 * 1024);
BitmapFactory.decodeStream(imageFileStream, null, decodeBoundsOptions);
final int originalWidth = decodeBoundsOptions.outWidth;
final int originalHeight = decodeBoundsOptions.outHeight;
// inSampleSize prefers multiples of 2, but we prefer to prioritize memory savings
sampleSize = Math.max(1, Math.max(originalWidth / desiredBitmapWith, originalHeight / desiredBitmapHeight));
BitmapFactory.Options decodeBitmapOptions = new BitmapFactory.Options();
decodeBitmapOptions.inSampleSize = sampleSize;
decodeBitmapOptions.inPreferredConfig = Bitmap.Config.RGB_565; // Uses 2-bytes instead of default 4 per pixel
// Get the roughly scaled-down image
Bitmap bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(imageFileStream, null, decodeBitmapOptions);
// Phase 2: Get an exact-size image - no dimension will exceed the desired value
float ratio = Math.min((float)desiredBitmapWith/ (float)bmp.getWidth(), (float)desiredBitmapHeight/ (float)bmp.getHeight());
int w =(int) ((float)bmp.getWidth() * ratio);
int h =(int) ((float)bmp.getHeight() * ratio);
return Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bmp, w,h, true);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw e;
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException ignored) {