
时间:2011-08-08 14:13:56

标签: javascript hash associative-array


 var myarray = {};

 var a = new A();
 var b = new B();
 var c = new C();

 // + is not right, but illustrates the hashing I'm after.
 myarray[a + b + c] = 42;

+运营商不对。在java中,我会为这三个实例中的每一个算术组合System.identityHashCode(),并使用结果来创建我的新哈希键。 javascript中是否有类似的机制?


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



答案 1 :(得分:2)

您可以覆盖原型的toString()方法,为每个实例创建唯一的哈希值。 E.g。

A.prototype.toString = function() {
    return /* something instance specific here */;

即使a + b + c也适用。

更新: Afaik,您无法在JavaScript中获取实例唯一ID(无论是什么)。但是,您可以为每个实例分配一些标识符



var addIdentityTracker = (function() {
    var pad = "0000000000",
        id = 1;

    function generateId() {
         var i = (id++).toString();
         return pad.substr(0, 10 - i.length) + i;

    return function(Constr) {
        var new_constr = function() {
            this.___uid = generateId();
            Constr.apply(this, arguments);
        new_constr.prototype = Constr.prototype;

        new_constr.prototype.toString = function() {
            return this.___uid;

        return new_constr;


A = addIdentityTracker(A);
var a = new A();

答案 2 :(得分:1)

我建议只为每个对象分配一个唯一的ID。 Javascript没有内置的唯一ID机制,但您可以为所需的任何对象分配唯一的ID,然后使用它。例如,您可以这样做:

// getUniqueID is a function that returns a unique ID for any javascript object.
// If no uniqueID is already present on the object, it coins one using a global
// counter and then stores it on the object.
// So that the uniqueID can be combined with other uniqueIDs easily and still
// create a unique union, the uniqueID here is a unique 10 character string.  
// There is no randomness in the IDs as they are only required to be unique 
// within the page, not random or unique in the universe.  The monotomically 
// increasing counter guarantees uniqueness within the page. 

// Two globals we need for generating the unique ID    
var idCntr = 0;
var controlStr = "0000000000";  // 10 digits long

function getUniqueID(o) {
   if (!o.uniqueID) {
       var base = idCntr++ + "";  // get string version of idCntr
       o.uniqueID = controlStr.slice(0, controlStr.length - base.length) + base;  // zero pad

var myobj = {};

var a = new A();
var b = new B();
var c = new C();

myobj[getUniqueID(a) + getUniqueID(b) + getUniqueID(c)] = 42;
