
时间:2011-08-03 20:03:43

标签: scala reflection bytecode javap

有没有办法在运行时发现在外部对象中声明的对象? Java Class方法getClassesgetDeclaredClasses都返回空数组。

object Parent {
    object Child1
    object Child2

println("Children of Parent:")
println("   getClasses found %d".format(Parent.getClass.getClasses.size))
println("   getDeclaredClasses found %d".format(Parent.getClass.getDeclaredClasses.size))


Children of Parent:
  getClasses found 0
  getDeclaredClasses found 0


object Parent {
    val children = new collection.mutable.ListBuffer[AnyRef]
    object Child1 { Parent.children += this }
    object Child2 { Parent.children += this }

println("(1) Parent.children size: %d".format(Parent.children.size))
println("(2) Parent.children size: %d".format(Parent.children.size))



(1) Parent.children size: 0
(2) Parent.children size: 2

编辑2:我知道数据在那里!内部对象使用scalap Parent列出:

object Parent extends java.lang.Object with scala.ScalaObject {
  def this() = { /* compiled code */ }
  object Child1 extends java.lang.Object with scala.ScalaObject {
    def this() = { /* compiled code */ }
  object Child2 extends java.lang.Object with scala.ScalaObject {
    def this() = { /* compiled code */ }

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


object Parent {
  object Child1 
  object Child2 
  val children = List( Child1, Child2 )

scala> Parent.children
res: List[ScalaObject] = List(Parent$Child1$@7493931b, Parent$Child2$@49f0d68)



trait HasChildren {
  val children: AnyRef

object Parent extends HasChildren {
  val children = new {
    object Child1
    object Child2

scala> Parent.children.getClass.getDeclaredFields
res: Array[java.lang.reflect.Field] = 
  Array(private volatile Parent$$anon$1$Child1$ Parent$$anon$1.Child1$module,
  private volatile Parent$$anon$1$Child2$ Parent$$anon$1.Child2$module)

答案 1 :(得分:1)

刚刚根据自己的需要重新实现它(Riak standalone)Lift(在MetaRecord.scala中找到它)就是这样做的(在我的例子中简化):

  private def isField(m: Method) = classOf[RiakFieldWrapper[A, AnyRef]].isAssignableFrom(m.getReturnType)

  case class FieldHolder(name: String, method: Method, field: RiakFieldWrapper[A, AnyRef])

  def introspect(rec: BucketWrapper[A], methods: Array[Method]): Unit = {
    for (v <- methods if isField(v)) {
      v.invoke(rec) match {
    case rfw: RiakFieldWrapper[A, AnyRef] => tArray += FieldHolder(rfw.keyName, v, rfw)
    case _ =>