我之前提出过类似的问题,但这个问题略有不同。我想使用python查找和替换XML标记。我使用XML来上传一些GIS shapefile的元数据。在元数据编辑器中,我可以选择收集某些数据的日期。选项包括“单日期”,“多个日期”和“日期范围”。在包含一系列日期标记的第一个XML中,您将看到标签“rngdates”,其中包含一些子元素'begdate','begtime','enddate'和。我想编辑这些标签,使其看起来像包含多个单个日期的第二个XML。新标签是'mdattim','sngdate'和'caldate'。我希望这很清楚,但如果需要,请询问更多信息。 XML是一种奇怪的野兽,我还没有完全理解它。
谢谢, 麦克
<origin>My Company Name</origin>
<title>Feature Class Name</title>
<geoform>vector digital data</geoform>
<abstract>This dataset represents the GPS location of inspection points collected in the field for the Site Name</abstract>
<purpose>This dataset was created to accompany the clients Assessment Plan. This point feature class represents the location within the area that the field crews collected related data.</purpose>
<current>ground condition</current>
<origin>My Company Name</origin>
<title>Feature Class Name</title>
<geoform>vector digital data</geoform>
<abstract>This dataset represents the GPS location of inspection points collected in the field for the Site Name</abstract>
<purpose>This dataset was created to accompany the clients Assessment Plan. This point feature class represents the location within the area that the field crews collected related data.</purpose>
folderPath = "Z:\ESRI\Figure_Sourcing\Figures\Metadata\IOR_Run_Metadata_2009"
for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(folderPath, "*.xml")):
fullpath = os.path.join(folderPath, filename)
if os.path.isfile(fullpath):
basename, filename2 = os.path.split(fullpath)
root = ElementTree(file=r"Z:\ESRI\Figure_Sourcing\Figures\Metadata\Run_Metadata_2009\\" + filename2)
iter = root.getiterator()
for element in iter:
print element.tag
if element.tag == "begdate":
element.tag.replace("begdate", "sngdate")
答案 0 :(得分:1)
我相信我成功地使代码工作。如果需要从现有XML文件更改某些标记,则可以编辑这些标记。我需要这样做才能在批处理脚本中为某些GIS shapefile创建元数据,以根据它们是单个日期,多个日期还是一系列日期来更改某些日期值。
# Set workspace location for XML files
folderPath = "Z:\ESRI\Figure_Sourcing\Figures\Metadata\IOR_Run_Metadata_2009"
# Loop through each file and search for files with .xml extension
for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(folderPath, "*.xml")):
fullpath = os.path.join(folderPath, filename)
# Split file name from the directory path
if os.path.isfile(fullpath):
basename, filename2 = os.path.split(fullpath)
# Set variable to XML files
root = ElementTree(file=r"Z:\ESRI\Figure_Sourcing\Figures\Metadata\IOR_Run_Metadata_2009\\" + filename2)
# Set variable for iterator
iter = root.getiterator()
#Iterate through the tags in each XML file
for element in iter:
if element.tag == "timeinfo":
tree = root.find(".//timeinfo")
# Clear all tags below the "timeinfo" tag
# Append new Element
# Create SubElements to the parent tag
child1 = ET.SubElement(tree, "sngdate")
child2 = ET.SubElement(child1, "caldate")
child3 = ET.SubElement(child1, "time")
# Set text values for tags
child2.text = "08-24-2009"
child3.text = "unknown