
时间:2021-08-01 19:15:08

标签: java arduino processing simulink


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最初我通过 Simulink 中的串行发送块发送一些数据来处理编程,我正在使用 processing.serial 库,但我无法获取这些位并将它们转换为浮点数或整数。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  1. 将 Simulink 中的每个字节一次缓冲到 Processing:Serial 的 buffer() / serialEvent() / readBytes(bytesFromSimulink) 可以很好地协同工作
  2. 将字节打包成一个 int(根据需要移动字节)并 OR 对它们进行处理: int intBits = bytesFromSimulink[3] << 24 | bytesFromSimulink[2] << 16 | bytesFromSimulink[1] << 8 | bytesFromSimulink[0];
  3. 通过 Float.intBitsToFloat() 将 int 转换为浮点数:floatFromSimulink = Float.intBitsToFloat( intBits );


import processing.serial.*;

// how many bytes are expecting sent in one go
final int SERIAL_BUFFER_SIZE = 4;
// pre-allocate serial read buffer
byte[] bytesFromSimulink = new byte[SERIAL_BUFFER_SIZE];
// float from bytes
float floatFromSimulink;

// serial port reference
final String PORT_NAME = "COM2"; 
final int    BAUD_RATE = 115200;
Serial simulinkPort;

void setup(){
  size(300, 300);
    simulinkPort = new Serial(this, PORT_NAME, BAUD_RATE);
    // only fire serialEvent() when the right number of bytes has been buffered
  }catch(Exception e){
    println("error opening serial port(" + PORT_NAME + "): double check the port name, wiring and make sure the port isn't already open in another application");

void draw(){
  // format bytes to hex and float to 2 decimal places
  text(String.format("hex: %s\nfloat: %.2f", hex(byteFromSimulink), floatFromSimulink), 
       10, 15); 

void serialEvent(Serial port) {
  // pack bytes into a 32bit int (shifting each byte accordingly): double check the byte order (e.g. LSB / MSB)
  int intBits = bytesFromSimulink[3] << 24 | 
                bytesFromSimulink[2] << 16 | 
                bytesFromSimulink[1] << 8  | 
  // convert int to to float
  floatFromSimulink = Float.intBitsToFloat( intBits );

// pretty-print byte array
String hex(byte[] data){
  String output = "";
  for(byte singleByte : data){
    output += hex(singleByte) + ' ';
  return output;

希望以上能正常工作,但请记住这是未经测试的代码。 我认为有两件事可能会出错:

  1. 未按正确顺序到达的字节。 (假设 Simulink 连续流式传输串行数据,但处理较晚开始,仅从第 2、3 或 4 个字节而不是第一个字节捕获数据:数据将被移位)。您可以尝试使用阻塞循环删除 buffer()/serialEvent() 并一次获取一个字节(例如 if(simulinkPort.available() >= 1) myNewByte = simulinkPort.read();)并手动将字节计数/打包到字节数组中。您也可以尝试呼叫/响应方法:例如Simulink 不会发送任何数据,直到它从 Processing 收到单个字符(假设为“A”),然后开始流式传输,因此 Processing 从一开始就准备好一次缓冲 4 个字节。
  2. 我不确定从 simulink 发送字节的顺序:上面我假设从右到左,但反过来只是交换索引:int intBits = byteFromSimulink[0] << 24 | byteFromSimulink[1] << 16 | byteFromSimulink[2] << 8 | byteFromSimulink[3];

Java/Processing 中的另一个问题是字节从 -127 到 127,因此您在检查时需要掩码字节:println(myByte & 0xFF);

根据 g00se 在下面评论中的建议,尝试使用 ByteBuffer 选项:

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import processing.serial.*;

// how many bytes are expecting sent in one go
final int SERIAL_BUFFER_SIZE = 4;
// pre-allocate serial read buffer
ByteBuffer bytesFromSimulink; 
// float from bytes
float floatFromSimulink;

// serial port reference
final String PORT_NAME = "COM2"; 
final int    BAUD_RATE = 115200;
Serial simulinkPort;

void setup(){
  size(300, 300);
    simulinkPort = new Serial(this, PORT_NAME, BAUD_RATE);
    // only fire serialEvent() when the right number of bytes has been buffered
    bytesFromSimulink = ByteBuffer.allocate(SERIAL_BUFFER_SIZE);
  }catch(Exception e){
    println("error opening serial port(" + PORT_NAME + "): double check the port name, wiring and make sure the port isn't already open in another application");

void draw(){
  // format bytes to hex and float to 2 decimal places
  text(String.format("hex: %s\nfloat: %.2f", hex(bytesFromSimulink), floatFromSimulink), 
       10, 15); 

void serialEvent(Serial port) {
  // pass new data to the byte buffer
  // set the index back to 0
  // read the first (rewinded) 4 bytes as a float
  floatFromSimulink = bytesFromSimulink.getFloat();

// pretty-print byte array
String hex(ByteBuffer data){
  String output = "";
  for(int i = 0 ; i < data.limit(); i++){
    output += hex(data.get(i)) + ' ';
  return output;