以下是我的猜谜游戏代码。我在向全局变量中添加和制作一些局部变量时遇到了麻烦。某些变量,例如 gameStillGoing 或任何需要在整个游戏中使用的变量都需要是全局的。我尝试了一些方法,但似乎没有任何变化,并且出现了许多错误。我没主意了。请帮忙。
import random
def menu():
while check:
print("1-START \n2-EXIT")
print("Please key in with 1 or 2 only")
category=input("Choose your option:\n>")
if category=='1':
gameStart() #start the game
elif category=='2':
print('Thank you and see you next time!')
for i in range (1):
print('--Invalid choice!--\n')
check= True
def gameStart ():
#number generated by computer
a = random.randint(1, 10)
#this determines whether the game is going or end
gameStillGoing = True
#limit user to 5 guess
counter = 5
num_inserted = []
#Set loop condition
while gameStillGoing:
#print current value
print ('Remaining = ', counter)
print("You have " + str(counter) +" chances to guess the number!\n")
# Decrease guess counter by one each time to limit to 5 guesses
counter = counter - 1
#number input by user
while True:
num =input("Please enter an integer between 1-10: " )
num = int(num)
if num > 10 or num < 1:
print('Input out of range!')
except ValueError:
print("This is not an integer")
print (num_inserted)
#print number inserted and convert number to string to be printed out
print("Number inserted:" + str(num))
#if answer is wrong
if (num != a):
print("answer is wrong")
# num = int(input("Please enter an integer between 1-10: " ))
#if answer is right
elif (num == a):
print("answer is right")
# End game after correct guess.
gameStillGoing = False
if (counter == 0):
print("You ran out of tries! The num is: " , a ,"\n luck next time.")
# End game after correct guess.
gameStillGoing = False
#to indicated that the loop has been broken and the game has ended
print("game has ended")
def restart ():
# print("Do you want to replay this game?")
# print("Y \n:N")
user_repeat = input("Do you want to play this game Y/N? ")
while user_repeat != "N" and user_repeat != "Y" :
print ("invalid")
user_repeat = input("do you want to repeat Y/N ? ")
return user_repeat
while True:
user_repeat = restart()
if user_repeat == "N":
print ("thank you")