我正在尝试创建一个处理常见事件的 CustomBloc
。 CustomBloc
由许多其他 Bloc 扩展以添加功能。
我的问题是 super.mapEventToState
后代中 CustomBloc
class CustomBloc extends Bloc<BlocEvent, BlocState> {
CustomBloc(BlocState initialState) : super(initialState)
Stream<BlocState> mapEventToState(BlocEvent event) async* {
if (event is BlocInitialEvent) {
yield BlocInitialState(BlocStatus.blocBusy)
try {
//do something
yield BlocInitialState(BlocStatus.blocReady);
} catch (e) {
yield BlocInitialState(BlocStatus.blocError);
class HomeBloc extends CustomBloc {
HomeBloc(BlocState initialState) : super(initialState);
Stream<BlocState> mapEventToState(BlocEvent event) async* {
super.mapEventToState(event);// the event is never dispatched to CustomBloc
//Handle more events
HomeBloc(BlocInitialState(BlocStatus.blocReady)).Add(BlocInitialEvent);// BlocInitialEvent never gets dispatched to the ancestor class
请注意,如果我不在 mapEventToState
中覆盖 HomeBloc
答案 0 :(得分:0)
您需要从 super.mapEventToState(event);
所以尝试调用 yield* super.mapEventToState(event);