class MiClass : public Base1, public Base2 {
// assuming all base classes have a virtual destructor.
// I want a compile time test to determine if the offset of Base1 in MiClass
// is 0 at compile time so a template will fail to compile if the offset of
// the base is NOT 0 ie: so in the compile time assert Base1 will be ok
// but testing Base2 will fail.
// to assert that:
void *vp = xxx; ( assume a valid pointer to an MiClass )
MiClass *mip = reinterpret_cast<MiClass*>(vp);
Base1 *b1p = reinterpret_cast<Base1*>(vp);
such that static_cast<Base1*>(mip) == b1p;
是否有可以放置在静态断言中的 boost 模板,例如: