const date = {year: 2020, month: 12, day: 31};
const time = {hours: 16, minutes: 2};
如何根据时区获得该时间的 UTC 表示? (不使用任何库)
convetToUTC(date, time, "Europe/Moscow") // => <UTC timestamp>
convetToUTC(date, time, "America/New_York") // => <UTC timestamp>
{year: 2021, month: 7, day: 30},
{hours: 16, minutes: 15},
) // => 1627650900
{year: 2021, month: 7, day: 30},
{hours: 16, minutes: 15},
) // => 1627676100
答案 0 :(得分:1)
支持 Achempion 的响应,我修复了时区偏移计算。应从 UTC 日期中减去时区日期。这种差异的结果应该在几分钟内。
* Calculates the timezone offset of a particular time zone.
* @param {String} timeZone - a database time zone name
* @param {Date} date - a date for determining if DST is accounted for
* @return {Number} returns an offset in minutes
* @see https://stackoverflow.com/a/68593283/1762224
const getTimeZoneOffset = (timeZone = 'UTC', date = new Date()) => {
const utcDate = new Date(date.toLocaleString('en-US', { timeZone: 'UTC' }));
const tzDate = new Date(date.toLocaleString('en-US', { timeZone }));
return (tzDate.getTime() - utcDate.getTime()) / 6e4;
const defaultDateConfig = { year: 0, month: 0, date: 0 };
const defaultTimeConfig = { hours: 0, minutes: 0, seconds: 0 };
const convetToUTC = (dateConfig, timeConfig, timeZone) => {
const { year, month, date } = { ...defaultDateConfig, ...dateConfig };
const { hours, minutes, seconds } = { ...defaultTimeConfig, ...timeConfig };
const d = new Date(Date.UTC(year, month - 1, date, hours, minutes, seconds));
const offsetMs = getTimeZoneOffset(timeZone, d) * 6e4;
return (d.getTime() - offsetMs) / 1e3;
// Main
const date = { year: 2021, month: 7, date: 30 };
const time = { hours: 16, minutes: 15 };
console.log(convetToUTC(date, time, 'America/New_York')); // 1627676100
console.log(convetToUTC(date, time, 'Europe/Moscow')); // 1627650900
答案 1 :(得分:-1)
const dateWithTimeZone = (timeZone, year, month, day, hour, minute, second) => {
let date = new Date(Date.UTC(year, month, day, hour, minute, second));
let utcDate = new Date(date.toLocaleString('en-US', { timeZone: "UTC" }));
let tzDate = new Date(date.toLocaleString('en-US', { timeZone: timeZone }));
let offset = utcDate.getTime() - tzDate.getTime();
date.setTime( date.getTime() + offset );
return date;
dateWithTimeZone("America/New_York", 2021, 7 - 1, 30, 16, 15, 0).getTime() / 1000)
// => 1627676100
dateWithTimeZone("Europe/Moscow", 2021, 7 - 1, 30, 16, 15, 0).getTime() / 1000)
// => 1627650900
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