无法从程序集'ADODB,Version = 7.0.3300.0,Culture = neutral,PublicKeyToken = b03f5f7f11d50a3a'加载'ADODB._Recordset_Deprecated'类型

时间:2011-07-27 22:15:12

标签: c# vb6 interop adodb


我必须从C#执行DLL的方法,这个DLL就像4年前在VB 6.0中创建的那样,它在COM中注册。它使用ADOB.Recordset作为我必须执行的方法的返回类型(没有源代码avaialble:S)


我第一次加载时遇到问题,我无法用Server.CreateObject, Assembly.Load, Assembly.LoadFrom加载它,所以我尝试从COM的引用添加它,Visual Studio将它导入Bin文件夹中,名称为Interops。[ Dll的名称]


Error   1   No overload for method 'SelArregloCobertura' takes '6' arguments



 ADODB.Recordset rs = new ADODB.Recordset();       
        string strRamo = "70";
        string strSubramo = "01";
        string strOficina = "070";
        int iClaveSolicitud = 7118;
        string strModulo = "0";
        int iInciso = 1;

        Poliza.clsdNTCoberturaClass oClass = new Poliza.clsdNTCoberturaClass();

        MethodInfo miSelArregloCobertura = oClass.GetType().GetMethod("SelArregloCobertura");
        miSelArregloCobertura.Invoke(oClass, new object[] { "70", "01", "070", 7118, "0", 1 });
        //oClass.SelArregloCobertura(strRamo, strSubramo, strOficina, iClaveSolicitud, strModulo, iInciso);

(我评论了给出编译错误的行) 并且错误是不同的,不是编译错误它给了我问题中的错误

Could not load type 'ADODB._Recordset_Deprecated' from assembly 'ADODB, Version=7.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'.


    public class clsdNTCoberturaClass : _clsdNTCobertura, clsdNTCobertura
        public clsdNTCoberturaClass();

        public virtual ADODB._Recordset_Deprecated SelArregloARenovar(string dFecha1, string dFecha2, string strNumOfic, short strCveAge, string strRamo);
        public virtual ADODB._Recordset_Deprecated SelArregloCobertura(string strRamo, string strSubRamo, string strNumOfic, int lCveSol, string strModulSol, int lCveInc);
        public virtual ADODB._Recordset_Deprecated SelArregloCobEst(string strRamo, string strSubRamo, short intCveInc, short intAnio, int lNumRec, string strOficRecl);
        public virtual ADODB._Recordset_Deprecated SelArregloCobEstim(string strRamo, string strSubRamo, short intCveInc, short intAnio, int lNumRec, string strOficRecl);
        public virtual ADODB._Recordset_Deprecated SelArregloNvaCobertura(string strRamo, string strSubRamo, string strNumOfic, int lCveSol, string strModulSol, int lCveInc, short intAnio, string strOficRecl, string intnumrec);
        public virtual ADODB._Recordset_Deprecated SelCobertura(string strRamo, string strSubRamo, string strCveCober);
        public virtual ADODB._Recordset_Deprecated SelEstCobertura(string strRamo, string strSubRamo, short intAnio, string strOficRecl, int lNumRec, short intCveInc, string strCveCober);





2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

检查Breaking change in MDAC ADODB COM components in Windows 7 Service Pack 1


更新:Microsoft决定恢复类型库并剥离新接口,请参阅Windows 8 Developer Preview build contains the complete fix of the ADO typelib issue

答案 1 :(得分:2)

Microsoft Connect有一个页面,包括一些解决方法信息。它与对Windows 7 SP1中引入的ADODB的更改有关。

其中一个解决方法详见Microsoft Support Page