所以我想改变我的机器人购买东西的方式,因为我将它设置为只购买 1 个特定数量,所以我选择让 args 参与进来。现在这样做,当我尝试做 -buybait 1 时,它说我没有金币可以这样做,但我这样做了……诱饵成本为 10,而我的个人资料上有 100,因此我尝试将其更改为 if "" "" <= "11" 然后说你没有正确数量的金币,但没有用
const profileModel = require("../../models/profileSchema");
const bagModel = require("../../models/bagSchema")
module.exports = {
name: "buybait",
aliases: ["buybait", "1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10"],
permissions: [],
description: "Shop",
async execute(client, message, args, Discord, profileData, bagData) {
if(args == "1"){
const targetmoney = await profileModel.findOne({ vgbucks: "" });
if (targetmoney <= 11) return message.channel.send("You Dont Have Enough Gold To Make This Purchase");
try {
await profileModel.findOneAndUpdate(
userID: message.author.id,
$inc: {
vgbucks: -10,
} );
await bagModel.findOneAndUpdate(
userID: message.author.id,
$inc: {
bait: 1,
} );
return message.channel.send(`This player Has Purchased 1 Fishing Bait`);
} catch (err) {