Flutter google_mobile_ads 通知用户界面无法加载广告

时间:2021-07-10 03:04:04

标签: flutter admob googlemobileads

我是 Flutter google_mobile_ads 的新手。我已经使用 Flutter 团队的 YouTube 教程 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0d_pbgeeG8&t=1189s&ab_channel=Flutter) 实施了 Google Ads。

在本教程中,我们将 getAdListener 方法放在另一个类(Provider)中。我的问题是,如果广告无法加载,我该如何从 UI 中删除该特定广告而不是显示空白?


void didChangeDependencies() {

_loadAds() {
   final _adState = Provider.of<AdState>(context);
   _banner1 = await _adState.getBannerAd();
   _banner2 = await _adState.getBannerAd();

_showAds() {
   return Column(
     children: [
        if (_banner1 != null) 
      problem: _banner1 never comes null even if the ad failed to load. if it fails how can I check and not show the _banner1 empty space?
           Container(child: AdWidget(ad: _banner1)),
        if (_banner2 != null)
           Container(child: AdWidget(ad: _banner2)),

我的 AdState(提供商)有 getBannerAd() 方法。

    // This method will load the banner ad
   Future<BannerAd> getBannerAd() async {
     await this.initialization;
     return BannerAd(
            adUnitId: BannerAd.testAdUnitId,
            size: AdSize.banner,
            request: AdRequest(),
            listener: this.bannerAdListener)

  BannerAdListener _bannerAdListener = BannerAdListener(
  onAdFailedToLoad: (Ad ad, LoadAdError error) {
   // Now I will have to tell my UI that this particular ad failed to load and not show it


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