这是链链接示例代码在这里,在这段代码中,我只添加了 1 个 oracle 和 1 个作业 ID,但问题是如何添加 2 个节点(2 个 oracle 和 2 个作业 ID)以从单个 URL 获取响应,即 2节点在进入区块链之前必须验证 URL 数据。
pragma solidity ^0.6.0;
import "@chainlink/contracts/src/v0.6/ChainlinkClient.sol";
合约 APIConsumer 是 ChainlinkClient { uint256 公开卷;
address private oracle;
bytes32 private jobId;
uint256 private fee;
* Network: Kovan
* Chainlink - 0x2f90A6D021db21e1B2A077c5a37B3C7E75D15b7e
* Chainlink - 29fa9aa13bf1468788b7cc4a500a45b8
* Fee: 0.1 LINK
constructor() public {
oracle = 0x2f90A6D021db21e1B2A077c5a37B3C7E75D15b7e;
jobId = "29fa9aa13bf1468788b7cc4a500a45b8";
fee = 0.1 * 10**18; // 0.1 LINK
* Create a Chainlink request to retrieve API response, find the target
* data, then multiply by 1000000000000000000 (to remove decimal places from data).
function requestVolumeData() public returns (bytes32 requestId) {
Chainlink.Request memory request =
buildChainlinkRequest(jobId, address(this), this.fulfill.selector);
// Set the URL to perform the GET request on
// Set the path to find the desired data in the API response, where the response format is:
request.add("path", "RAW.ETH.USD.VOLUME24HOUR");
// Multiply the result by 1000000000000000000 to remove decimals
int256 timesAmount = 10**18;
request.addInt("times", timesAmount);
// Sends the request
return sendChainlinkRequestTo(oracle, request, fee);
* Receive the response in the form of uint256
function fulfill(bytes32 _requestId, uint256 _volume)
volume = _volume;
答案 0 :(得分:1)
uint[2] storage responses;
function requestVolumeData(bytes32 _jobId, address _oracle) public returns (bytes32 requestId) {
Chainlink.Request memory request =
buildChainlinkRequest(_jobId, address(this), this.fulfill.selector);
// Set the URL to perform the GET request on
// Set the path to find the desired data in the API response, where the response format is:
request.add("path", "RAW.ETH.USD.VOLUME24HOUR");
// Multiply the result by 1000000000000000000 to remove decimals
int256 timesAmount = 10**18;
request.addInt("times", timesAmount);
// Sends the request
return sendChainlinkRequestTo(_oracle, request, fee);
然后在您的执行函数中,您可以将结果存储在数组或其他一些数据结构中,以便第二个响应不会覆盖第一个响应。或者每个响应有 1 个变量,并且有逻辑来检查要填充哪个变量(如果两者都为空,则首先填充,否则填充第二个等等)。在此功能中,您还可以检查是否已达到最小响应数量,如果已达到,则对响应进行验证
function fulfill(bytes32 _requestId, uint256 _volume)
public recordChainlinkFulfillment(_requestId)
if responses.length > some number {
//do something with the responses