所以基本上我要做的是从数据库中获取所有行,然后使用嵌入系统制作页面。如果数据库中有超过 10 个数据行,程序会制作另一个嵌入页面并有 11-20,然后如果需要,还有 21-30 等等。我将在下面列出我拥有的所有 SQL 代码,但代码我希望在“字符”命令下执行此操作。我不知道是否有人可以为我指明正确的方向,或者链接演练或教程,但任何事情都会有所帮助。谢谢!
client.on("ready", () =>{
const table = sql.prepare("SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='characters'").get()
sql.prepare("CREATE TABLE characters (id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, description TEXT, skills TEXT, rarity INTERGER, image TEXT)").run()
sql.prepare("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_characters_id ON characters (id)").run()
sql.pragma("synchronous = 1")
sql.pragma("journal_mode = wal")
client.getCharacter = sql.prepare("SELECT * FROM characters WHERE id=?")
client.createCharacter = sql.prepare("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO characters (id, description, skills, rarity, image) VALUES (@id, @description, @skills, @rarity, @image)")
client.on("message", message =>{
if(message.author.bot) return
let character
var information = message.content.slice(18).split(", ")
character = client.getCharacter.get(information[0])
character = { id: `${information[0]}`, description: information[1], skills: information[2], rarity: information[3], image: information[4] }
message.channel.send(`${information[0]} was created successfully!`)
} else{
character = { id: `${information[0]}`, description: information[1], skills: information[2], rarity: information[3], image: information[4] }
message.channel.send(`${information[0]} was updated successfully!`)
client.on("message", message=>{
if(message.author.bot) return
if(message.content.startsWith("!character ")){
var information = message.content.slice(11)
const mes = sql.prepare(`SELECT * FROM characters WHERE id='${information}'`).all()
const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
for(const data of mes){
embed.addFields({ name: 'Character', value: data.id })
embed.addFields({ name: 'Description', value: data.description })
embed.addFields({ name: 'Skills', value: data.skills })
embed.addFields({ name: 'Rarity', value: data.rarity })
} return message.channel.send({embed})
client.on("message", message=>{
if(message.author.bot) return
if(message.content === "!characters"){
const mes = sql.prepare(`SELECT * FROM characters ORDER BY id ASC`).all()
const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("List of Characters")
.setFooter("Page 1 of 1")
for(const data of mes) {
embed.addFields({ name: data.id, value: data.description })
} return message.channel.send({embed})