所以我不断收到有关我的不和谐 js 机器人的上述错误。我知道这是因为我的经济代码与我尝试制作欢迎代码发生冲突,但由于我的基础知识不存在,我希望社区中的某个人可以帮助解决这个问题。
const profileModel = require('../../models/profileSchema');
module.exports = async(client, discord, member) => {
let profile = await profileModel.create({
userID: member.id,
serverID: member.guild.id,
coins: 1000,
bank: 0,
公会文件中的下一个文件是 message.js,其中的代码是:
const profileModel = require("../../models/profileSchema");
const cooldowns = new Map();
module.exports = async (Discord, client, message) => {
const prefix = process.env.PREFIX;
if (!message.content.startsWith(prefix) || message.author.bot) return;
let profileData;
try {
profileData = await profileModel.findOne({ userID: message.author.id });
if (!profileData) {
let profile = await profileModel.create({
userID: message.author.id,
serverID: message.guild.id,
coins: 1000,
bank: 0,
} catch (err) {
const args = message.content.slice(prefix.length).split(/ +/);
const cmd = args.shift().toLowerCase();
const command = client.commands.get(cmd) || client.commands.find((a) => a.aliases && a.aliases.includes(cmd));
if (!command) return message.channel.send("This command does not exist!");
if (!cooldowns.has(command.name)) {
cooldowns.set(command.name, new Discord.Collection());
const current_time = Date.now();
const time_stamps = cooldowns.get(command.name);
const cooldown_amount = (command.cooldown) * 1000;
//If time_stamps has a key with the author's id then check the expiration time to send a message to a user.
if (time_stamps.has(message.author.id)) {
const expiration_time = time_stamps.get(message.author.id) + cooldown_amount;
if (current_time < expiration_time) {
const time_left = (expiration_time - current_time) / 1000;
return message.reply(`Please wait ${time_left.toFixed(1)} more seconds before using ${command.name}`);
//If the author's id is not in time_stamps then add them with the current time.
time_stamps.set(message.author.id, current_time);
//Delete the user's id once the cooldown is over.
setTimeout(() => time_stamps.delete(message.author.id), cooldown_amount);
try {
command.execute(message, args, cmd, client, Discord, profileData);
} catch (err) {
message.reply("There was an error trying to execute this command!");
// "welcome.js" file within the "features" folder
module.exports = client => {
client.on('guildMemberAdd', member => {
const fs = require('fs');
module.exports = (client, Discord) =>{
const command_files = fs.readdirSync('./commands/').filter(file => file.endsWith('.js'));
for(const file of command_files){
const command = require(`../commands/${file}`);
client.commands.set(command.name, command);
} else {
第二个文件是 event_handler.js,其中的代码是:
const fs = require('fs');
module.exports = (client, Discord) =>{
const load_dir = (dirs) =>{
const event_files = fs.readdirSync(`./events/${dirs}`).filter(file => file.endsWith('.js'));
for(const file of event_files){
const event = require(`../events/${dirs}/${file}`);
const event_name = file.split('.')[0];
client.on(event_name, event.bind(null, Discord, client))
['client', 'guild'].forEach(e => load_dir(e));
最后一个文件夹是models文件夹,其中包含profileSchema(经济)和welcome-channel.js文件。 profileSchema 代码是:
//PROFILE SCHEMA--------------------------------------------------------
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const profileSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
userID: { type: String, require: true, unique: true },
serverID: { type: String, require: true },
coins: { type: Number, default: 1000 },
bank: { type: Number },
const model = mongoose.model("ProfileModels", profileSchema);
module.exports = model;
并且welcome-channel.js 代码是:
// "welcome-channel.js" file within the "models" folder
const mongoose = require('mongoose')
// We are using this multiple times so define
// it in an object to clean up our code
const reqString = {
type: String,
required: true,
const welcomeSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
_id: reqString, // Guild ID
channelId: reqString,
module.exports = mongoose.model('welcome-channel-tutorial', welcomeSchema)
// "setwelcome.js" file within the "commands" folder
const welcomeChannelSchema = require('../models/welcome-channel')
const cache = new Map()
// An async function to load the data
const loadData = async () => {
// Get all stored channel IDs
const results = await welcomeChannelSchema.find({})
// Loop through them all and set them in our map
for (const result of results) {
cache.set(result._id, result.channelId)
// Invoke this function when the bot starts up
module.exports = {
name: "setwelcome",
requiredPermissions: ['ADMINISTRATOR'],
execute: async ( message, args, cmd, client, discord, profileData ) => {
// Destructure the guild and channel properties from the message object
const { guild, channel } = message
// Use find one and update to either update or insert the
// data depending on if it exists already
await welcomeChannelSchema.findOneAndUpdate(
_id: guild.id,
_id: guild.id,
channelId: channel.id,
upsert: true,
// Store the information in the cache
cache.set(guild.id, channel.id)
message.reply('Welcome channel set!')
module.exports.getChannelId = (guildId) => {
return cache.get(guildId)
我收到错误的那一刻是当我执行命令 simjoin.js 时,它的代码是:
// "simjoin.js" file within the "commands" folder
module.exports = {
name: "simjoin",
requiredPermissions: ['ADMINISTRATOR'],
execute: ( message, args, text, client ) => {
client.emit('guildMemberAdd', message.member)
请注意,欢迎代码尚未完成,但从此刻起它应该仍然可以工作,但由于重复键错误,这不是我需要您帮助的原因! >