FastAPI 和 Streamlit - 错误 422,无响应

时间:2021-05-06 09:46:57

标签: python tensorflow keras fastapi streamlit

我正在尝试学习如何使用 FastAPI 创建 API。为此,我决定使用 Streamlight python 包创建一个应用程序,并调用 API 以提供基于我使用 TensorFlow 准备的机器学习模型的响应。

问题是,当我通过“.post”调用 API 时,它会返回错误 422,我已经测试了多种方法来解决这个问题,但最终导致 API 崩溃或无法工作。

API 目前部署在 Heroku ( 上


Streamlit 应用(前端)

# Loading packages ##########################################################################
import streamlit as st
import streamlit.components.v1 as components
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import requests,json


# Loading of the data
def load_data():
    return data

df = load_data()

# Sidebar creation ####################################################################
st.sidebar.title('Patient Parameters')

# Creating parameters
params = {
    'Age':st.sidebar.slider('Age', min(df['age']), max(df['age']),1.0),
    'Anemia':st.sidebar.selectbox('Anemia', ('Yes','No')),
    'CPK':st.sidebar.slider('CPK [mcg/L]', min(df['creatinine_phosphokinase']), max(df['creatinine_phosphokinase']), 1),
    'Diabetes':st.sidebar.selectbox('Diabetes', ('Yes','No')),
    'Ejection fraction':st.sidebar.slider('Ejection fraction [%]', min(df['ejection_fraction']), max(df['ejection_fraction']), 1),
    'High Blood Pressure':st.sidebar.selectbox('High Blood Pressure', ('Yes','No')),
    'Platelets in the blood':st.sidebar.slider('Platelets in the blood [kiloplatelets/mL]', min(df['platelets']), max(df['platelets']),1.0),
    'Serum Creatinine':st.sidebar.slider('Serum Creatinine [mg/dL]', min(df['serum_creatinine']), max(df['serum_creatinine']),1.0),
    'Serum Sodium':st.sidebar.slider('Serum Sodium [mEq/L]', min(df['serum_sodium']), max(df['serum_sodium']),1),
    'Woman or Man':st.sidebar.selectbox('Woman or Man', ('Woman','Men')),
    'Time':st.sidebar.slider('Time [days]', min(df['time']), max(df['time']),1)


# Method for changing attribute
def change_type(X):
    if X == 'Yes':
        X = 1
        X = 0    
    return X

def change_sex(X):
    if X == 'Woman':
        X = 1
        X = 0
    return X            

# Defining user input
def user_input():
    age = params['Age']
    anemia = params['Anemia']
    cpk = params['CPK']
    diabetes = params['Diabetes']
    ejection_fraction = params['Ejection fraction']
    hbp = params['High Blood Pressure']
    platelets = params['Platelets in the blood']
    serum_creatinine = params['Serum Creatinine']
    serum_sodium = params['Serum Sodium']
    woman_man = params['Woman or Man']
    smoking = params['Smoking']
    time = params['Time']

    data = {
        'Age': age,
        'Anemia': change_type(anemia),
        'CPK': cpk,

    # features = pd.DataFrame(data, index=[0])

    return data

# API information
url = ''
endpoint = '/prediction'

# defining process for calling API
def process(data, server_url: str):
    heart_data = data

    result =,data = heart_data)

    return result

# Expander ##################################################################################
with st.beta_expander('Information', expanded=True):
    st.header('Goal of the Web Application')
    st.write('The main goal of this project to learn on how to use the fastAPI package for creating background services, in this case, a machine learning model.')
    st.write('**Source of data**:')
    > **Attention**: 
    * This app is **NOT** meant as a medical device/applicaiton for medical diagnosis; 
    * It is just for educational purpose;
    * If you think you have an health problem, please reach out to an authorized medical professional;
    * The creator of this applicaiton will **NOT** assume any responsability for any misuse of the application.
    st.header('Parameters Information')
    * **Age**: Age of the patient;
    * **Anemia**: Decrease of red blood cells or hemoglobin;
    * **Creatinine Phosphokinase Enzyme (CPK)**: Level of CPK enzyme in the blood (mcg/L);
    * **Diabetes**: Patient is diabetic or not;
    * **Ejection Fraction**: Percentage of blood that leaves the heart at each contraction;
    * **High Blood Pressure**: Patient has high blood pressure;
    * **Platelets in the blood**: Number of platelets in the blood [kiloplatelets/mL];
    * **Serum Creatinine**: Level of serum creatinine in the blood [mg/dL];
    * **Serum Sodium**: Level of serum sodium in the blood [mEq/L];
    * **Woman or Man**: If patient is a woman or man;
    * **Smoking**: If patient smokes or not;
    * **Time**: Follow-up periods, number of days after the first check.


# Columns creation #####################################################################
left_column1, right_column1 = st.beta_columns(2)

with left_column1:
    st.header('Heart Animation')
    st.write('In this GIF, you can see how the heart works, with the name of its major components.')
with right_column1:
    st.header('Heart Attack Video')
    st.write('In this video, created by the YouTube channell _Institute of Human Anatomy_, explain what happens during a heart attack.')
    st.write('**Attention**: Video contains content (real human heart from a dead body) that may cause some problem for some people.')"")

# Creating the data ####################################################################

user_input_original_df = user_input()

# Creating button

test_df = pd.DataFrame(user_input_original_df).dtypes

# if st.sidebar.button("Predict"):
#     result = process(user_input_original_df, url+endpoint)
#     result
# else:
#   pass


import uvicorn
from fastapi import FastAPI

# Download basic ML model for creating class
from pydantic import BaseModel

# Code for creating the model of the API
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder

# Neural Netwrok libraries
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras
#from tensorflow.keras import Sequential
#from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense

# Creating class for validation
class Heart(BaseModel):
    Age: float
    Anemia: int
    CPK: int
    Diabetes: int
    Ejection_fraction: int
    HBP: int
    Platelets: float
    Serum_Creatinine: float
    Serum_Sodium: int
    Woman_Man: int
    Time: int

# Creating std scaler
sc = StandardScaler()

# Loading the model saved

model = keras.models.load_model("Test_model_Neural_Network")

# List for prediction
pred_label = list()

# Defining data preparation
def preparazione(dati_originali):
    dati_pronti = dati_originali.values
    dati_pronti = sc.fit_transform(dati_originali)
    return dati_pronti

# Defining function for prediction
def predict(dati):
    previsione = model.predict(dati)
    return previsione

# Defining method for converting results
def convert(dati_preparati, lista):
    for i in range(len(dati_preparati)):
        result = pred_label.append(np.argmax(dati_preparati[i]))

    return result

app = FastAPI()

def home():
    return {"message":"Welcome to my first API!"}"/prediction")
async def get_prediction(heart :Heart):
    input_df = pd.DataFrame([heart.dict()])
    dati_preparati = preparazione(input_df)
    prediction_heart = predict(dati_preparati)
    prediction_label = convert(prediction_heart, pred_label)
    return prediction_label

if __name__ == '__main__':, host='', port=8000)    


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