如何通过 dm 的 Discord.py 重写进行嵌入

时间:2021-04-26 18:33:39

标签: python-3.x discord.py

我正在使用 discord.py 重写一个机器人,并且正在尝试发出命令以通过 dm 进行嵌入。问题是机器人不等待消息。这是我的代码谢谢!

async def c_embed(ctx):
  user = ctx.author
  perms = ctx.author.permissions_in(ctx.channel)
  if perms.administrator:
    em = discord.Embed(description='What would you like the title to be?', color = discord.Colour.red())
    await user.send(embed=em)
    msg = await client.wait_for('message')
    title = msg.content
    em = discord.Embed(description='What would you like the Description to be?', color = discord.Colour.red())
    await user.send(embed=em)
    msg = await client.wait_for('message')
    desc = msg.content
    em = discord.Embed(title = "**Confirm Channel**", description = "Choose a channel for this msg to be in. Put Channel ID")
    em = discord.Embed(title=title, description=desc,color=discord.Colour.red())
    channel = msg.content
    await ctx.channel.send(embed=em)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

由于大量阅读文档和测试,现在已解决 机器人不只是等待响应,而是等待用户响应。


msg = await client.wait_for('message', check = lambda message: message.author == ctx.author)

它只需要作者的回复,让它在 dm 中等待。

async def c_embed(ctx):
  user = ctx.author
  perms = ctx.author.permissions_in(ctx.channel)
  if perms.administrator:
    em = discord.Embed(description='What would you like the title to be?', color = discord.Colour.red())
    await user.send(embed=em)
    msg = await client.wait_for('message', check=lambda message: message.author == ctx.author)
    title = msg.content
    em = discord.Embed(description='What would you like the Description to be?', color = discord.Colour.red())
    await user.send(embed=em)
    msg = await client.wait_for('message', check=lambda message: message.author == ctx.author)
    desc = msg.content
    em = discord.Embed(title = "**Confirm Channel**", description = "Choose a channel for this msg to be in. Put Channel ID", color = discord.Colour.red())
    await user.send(embed=em)
    msg = await client.wait_for('message', check=lambda message: message.author == ctx.author)
    channel = msg.content
    em = discord.Embed(title=title, description=desc,color=discord.Colour.red())
    await ctx.channel.send(embed=em)