
时间:2021-04-17 22:21:35

标签: discord discord.py

我是使用 discord.py 的新手,但有使用 Python 的经验。我目前正在使用 discord.py 开发不和谐音乐机器人,当我使用命令“*play(歌曲名称)”时,即使机器人在 VC 中也没有任何反应。我希望机器人能够在 youtube 上搜索用户的请求,并像 Rythum 或 Groovy 这样的不和谐音乐机器人一样播放它。您对代码的任何其他建议也将不胜感激。谢谢!


import discord
from discord.ext import commands, tasks
import youtube_dl
import asyncio
from random import choice

client = commands.Bot(command_prefix='*')
status = '18 Naked Cowboys'

async def on_ready():
    print("Rancher is online!")

    await client.change_presence(activity=discord.Activity(type=discord.ActivityType.watching,name=status))
@client.command(name='ping',help='This command will show that my ping is superior than yours!')
async def ping(ctx):
    await ctx.send(f'**Pong!** Latency: {round(client.latency * 1000)}ms')

@client.command(name='hello',help='This command returns a random the welcome message!')
async def hello(ctx):
    responses = ['***grumble*** Why you wake me up?!','Penis']
    await ctx.send(choice(responses))

    youtube_dl.utils.bug_reports_message = lambda: ''

ytdl_format_options = {
    'format': 'bestaudio/best',
    'outtmpl': '%(extractor)s-%(id)s-%(title)s.%(ext)s',
    'restrictfilenames': True,
    'noplaylist': True,
    'nocheckcertificate': True,
    'ignoreerrors': False,
    'logtostderr': False,
    'quiet': True,
    'no_warnings': True,
    'default_search': 'auto',
    'source_address': '' # bind to ipv4 since ipv6 addresses cause issues sometimes

ffmpeg_options = {
    'options': '-vn'

ytdl = youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ytdl_format_options)

class YTDLSource(discord.PCMVolumeTransformer):
    def __init__(self, source, *, data, volume=0.5):
        super().__init__(source, volume)

        self.data = data

        self.title = data.get('title')
        self.url = data.get('url')
    async def from_url(cls, url, *, loop=None, stream=False):
        loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop()
        data = await loop.run_in_executor(None, lambda: ytdl.extract_info(url, download=not stream))

        if 'entries' in data:
            # take first item from a playlist
            data = data['entries'][0]

        filename = data['url'] if stream else ytdl.prepare_filename(data)
        return cls(discord.FFmpegPCMAudio(filename, **ffmpeg_options), data=data)
@client.command(name='join', help='This command makes the bot join the voice channel')
async def join(ctx):
    if not ctx.message.author.voice:
        await ctx.send("You are not connected to a voice channel")
        channel = ctx.message.author.voice.channel

    await channel.connect()

@client.command(name='queue', help='This command adds a song to the queue')
async def queue_(ctx, url):
    global queue

    await ctx.send(f'`{url}` added to queue!')

@client.command(name='remove', help='This command removes an item from the list')
async def remove(ctx, number):
    global queue

        await ctx.send(f'Your queue is now `{queue}!`')
        await ctx.send('Your queue is either **empty** or the index is **out of range**')
@client.command(name='play', help='This command plays songs')
async def play(ctx):
    global queue

    server = ctx.message.guild
    voice_channel = server.voice_client

    async with ctx.typing():
        player = await YTDLSource.from_url(queue[0], loop=client.loop)
        voice_channel.play(player, after=lambda e: print('Player error: %s' % e) if e else None)

    await ctx.send('**Now playing:** {}'.format(player.title))

@client.command(name='pause', help='This command pauses the song')
async def pause(ctx):
    server = ctx.message.guild
    voice_channel = server.voice_client


@client.command(name='resume', help='This command resumes the song!')
async def resume(ctx):
    server = ctx.message.guild
    voice_channel = server.voice_client


@client.command(name='view', help='This command shows the queue')
async def view(ctx):
    await ctx.send(f'Your queue is now `{queue}!`')

@client.command(name='leave', help='This command stops makes the bot leave the voice channel')
async def leave(ctx):
    voice_client = ctx.message.guild.voice_client
    await voice_client.disconnect()

@client.command(name='stop', help='This command stops the song!')
async def stop(ctx):
    server = ctx.message.guild
    voice_channel = server.voice_client



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您尚未向队列列表分配任何内容。因此,您可能需要稍微修改播放功能并将用户输入中的 url 附加到您的队列中。以下是用户将输入的内容 *play https://youtube.com/watch?v=abcdefghij 的示例。这是代码:

@client.command(name='play', help='This command plays songs')
async def play(ctx, *, search_url):
    global queue
    server = ctx.message.guild
    voice_channel = server.voice_client

    async with ctx.typing():
        player = await YTDLSource.from_url(queue[0], loop=client.loop)
        voice_channel.play(player, after=lambda e: print('Player error: %s' % e) if e else None)

    await ctx.send('**Now playing:** {}'.format(player.title))