嗯,我错了 - 以下说明不适用,不适用于我的测试运行。
来自Java Thread邮件列表的这封邮件(wot, no chickens?)已经很老了,实际上它是从1996年9月25日开始的.Peter Welch已经发现:
附上的示例显示通知的帖子确实获得了 放入队列的 back 以重新获得监视器。之前 `wait'方法返回,线程再次排队 监视器(在首次完成后很久就到达的线程后面 那个队列!)。这可能导致无限超车,因此, 线程饥饿。
Thread-1 acquires the monitor lock
Thread-1 sees the condition is not true yet -> wait()
Thread-0 acquires the monitor lock
Thread-2 contends with Thread-0 for the monitor lock
Thread-3 contends with Thread-0 for the monitor lock
Thread-4 contends with Thread-0 for the monitor lock
Thread-5 contends with Thread-0 for the monitor lock
Thread-0 turns the condition to true -> notifyAll();
Thread-0 released the monitor lock
Thread-4 acquires the monitor lock
Thread-4 enjoys his desirable state
Thread-4 releases the monitor lock
Thread-2 acquires the monitor lock
Thread-2 enjoys his desirable state
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如果使用Object的wait / notify,则排序将特定于JVM。 notify方法的javadoc声明:
Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on this object's monitor. If any threads are
waiting on this object, one of them is chosen to be awakened. The choice is arbitrary and
occurs at the discretion of the implementation. A thread waits on an object's monitor by
calling one of the wait methods.
When constructed as fair, threads contend for entry using an approximately arrival
order policy. When the currently held lock is released either the longest-waiting
single writer thread will be assigned the write lock, or if there is a group of reader
threads waiting longer than all waiting writer threads, that group will be assigned the read lock.
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