我从marketplace.visualstudio.com 站点下载了Microsoft.rdlcDesigner。下载后,我开始安装它并且安装一直进行得很好,直到我不小心取消了安装程序。从那时起,安装一直向我显示一些错误 - “此扩展程序无法安装在任何当前安装的产品上”。我已经检查了 Vs2019 以查看是否安装了 rdlc 报告设计器,但找不到任何报告设计器的踪迹。虽然我的电脑上同时安装了 Vs2012 和 VS2019,但我只希望 rdlc 设计器安装在 VS2019 上(因为它已经安装在 VS2012 上)。错误日志提示 VS2012 中存在相同的产品。我尝试了很多东西,但无法安装设计器。请问我该怎么办?请参阅下面的安装日志:
2/26/2021 9:53:00 AM - Microsoft VSIX Installer
2/26/2021 9:53:00 AM - -------------------------------------------
2/26/2021 9:53:02 AM - Initializing Install...
2/26/2021 9:53:05 AM - Extension Details...
2/26/2021 9:53:05 AM - Identifier : 617ad572-c5b7-415c-b166-b2969077f719
2/26/2021 9:53:05 AM - Name : Microsoft RDLC Report Designer
2/26/2021 9:53:05 AM - Author : Microsoft
2/26/2021 9:53:05 AM - Version : 15.3.1
2/26/2021 9:53:05 AM - Description : RDLC Designer and projects for ASP.Net and Windows Forms for Reporting Services Report Viewer Control
2/26/2021 9:53:05 AM - Locale : en-US
2/26/2021 9:53:05 AM - MoreInfoURL : https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/01a821c4-2920-400c-be03-93d26c749bb1.aspx
2/26/2021 9:53:05 AM - InstalledByMSI : False
2/26/2021 9:53:05 AM - SupportedFrameworkVersionRange : [0.0,2147483647.2147483647]
2/26/2021 9:53:05 AM -
2/26/2021 9:53:28 AM - SignedBy : Microsoft Corporation
2/26/2021 9:53:28 AM - Certificate Info : [Subject]
CN=Microsoft Corporation, OU=OPC, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US
CN=Microsoft Code Signing PCA 2010, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US
[Serial Number]
[Not Before]
9/6/2018 10:00:30 PM
[Not After]
9/6/2019 10:00:30 PM
2/26/2021 9:53:28 AM - Supported Products :
2/26/2021 9:53:28 AM - Microsoft.VisualStudio.Community
2/26/2021 9:53:28 AM - Version : [15.0,17.0)
2/26/2021 9:53:28 AM -
2/26/2021 9:53:28 AM - References :
2/26/2021 9:53:28 AM -
2/26/2021 9:53:28 AM - Searching for applicable products...
2/26/2021 9:53:37 AM - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2012
2/26/2021 9:53:37 AM - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio Premium 2012
2/26/2021 9:53:37 AM - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2012
2/26/2021 9:53:37 AM - Found installed product - Microsoft LightSwitch for Visual Studio 2012
2/26/2021 9:53:37 AM - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Shell (Integrated)
2/26/2021 9:53:37 AM - Found installed product - Global Location
2/26/2021 9:53:37 AM - Found installed product - ssms
2/26/2021 9:53:37 AM - VSIXInstaller.NoApplicableSKUsException: This extension is not installable on any currently installed products.
at VSIXInstaller.App.InitializeInstall()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()