
时间:2021-02-12 12:25:58

标签: c collision-detection raylib

我正在用 raylib 制作游戏。碰撞似乎有效,但我在接触地面时无法移动。

private let reuseIdentifier = "Cell"

class PicturesCollectionViewController: UICollectionViewController {
    override func viewDidLoad() {


    private func setupCollectionViewController() {
        collectionView.register(UICollectionViewCell.self, forCellWithReuseIdentifier: reuseIdentifier)
    private func setupSearchBar() {
        let searchController = UISearchController(searchResultsController: nil)
        navigationItem.searchController = searchController
    // ... numberOfItemsInSection && cellForItemAt indexPath 

在这里我移动玩家,如果他们发生碰撞,我会将他们传送回最后一点。如果不是,我更新 //including raylib #include<raylib.h> //defining the G - gravity #define G 3.0f //main function int main() { // player struct //SetExitKey(); struct player { // old position used for colision Vector2 oldPos; //new position used for colision Vector2 newPos; // simply the player color Color color; }; //constants const int screenWidth=800; const int screenHeight=450; float plSpeed=5.0f; //objects struct player pl; pl.newPos.x=screenWidth/2; pl.newPos.y=screenHeight/2; pl.color=MAROON; //player rectangle for colision Rectangle plr; //the obsacle Rectangle floor={ 0,400,screenWidth,55, }; //creating the window InitWindow(screenWidth,screenHeight,"Raylib Tutorial P1"); //target fps SetTargetFPS(60); //Main Game Loop //heart of the game while(!WindowShouldClose()) { // update position if (IsKeyDown(KEY_RIGHT)) pl.newPos.x += plSpeed; if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT)) pl.newPos.x -= plSpeed; if (IsKeyDown(KEY_UP)) pl.newPos.y -= plSpeed; pl.newPos.y += G; //colision detection int coliding=0; if (CheckCollisionRecs(plr,floor)) { coliding=1; } if(!coliding) pl.oldPos=pl.newPos; else pl.newPos=pl.oldPos; //set player rect plr.x=pl.newPos.x; plr.y=pl.newPos.y; plr.width=30; plr.height=30; //drawing BeginDrawing(); //set background color ClearBackground(RAYWHITE); DrawRectangleRec(floor,GREEN); //draw player DrawRectangleRec(plr,pl.color); EndDrawing(); } // De-initialization CloseWindow(); return 0; } 变量。

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pl.newPos.y += G;

是一个问题,因为我认为 G 应该加速你,而不是移动你,但显然玩家并没有真正的速度,只有一个位置。目前您的玩家只能进行 5 次横向、5 次向上和 3 次向下的步骤。好像跳起来就不能着地了,因为你会停留在高度2。

也许您应该在检查碰撞时分别处理 x 和 y 方向(以解决您的原始问题)。您的最小步长看起来也很大,但这取决于游戏的其余部分。