SAS Proc Freq with PySpark(频率、百分比、累积频率和累积百分比)

时间:2021-01-19 08:25:19

标签: python apache-spark pyspark statistics cumulative-frequency

我正在寻找一种在 PySpark 中重现 SAS Proc Freq 代码的方法。我找到了 this code that does exactly what I need。但是,它是在 Pandas 中给出的。 我想确保它确实使用了 Spark 所能提供的最好的东西,因为代码将在大量数据集上运行。 In this other post (which was also adapted for this StackOverflow answer),我还找到了在 PySpark 中计算分布式分组累积总和的说明,但不确定如何使其适应我的目的。



0       Delaware
1       Delaware
2       Delaware
3       Indiana
4       Indiana
...     ...
1020    West Virginia
1021    West Virginia
1022    West Virginia
1023    West Virginia
1024    West Virginia

1025 rows × 1 columns


    state           Frequency   Percent Cumulative Frequency    Cumulative Percent
0   Vermont         246         24.00   246                     24.00
1   New Hampshire   237         23.12   483                     47.12
2   Missouri        115         11.22   598                     58.34
3   North Carolina  100         9.76    698                     68.10
4   Indiana         92          8.98    790                     77.07
5   Montana         56          5.46    846                     82.54
6   West Virginia   55          5.37    901                     87.90
7   North Dakota    53          5.17    954                     93.07
8   Washington      39          3.80    993                     96.88
9   Utah            29          2.83    1022                    99.71
10  Delaware        3           0.29    1025                    100.00

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您可以先按状态分组以获取频率和百分比,然后在窗口上使用 sum 获取累积频率和百分比:

result = df.groupBy('state').agg(
    '100 * Frequency / sum(Frequency) over() Percent'
    'sum(Frequency) over(order by Frequency desc) Cumulative_Frequency', 
    'sum(Percent) over(order by Frequency desc) Cumulative_Percent'
|        state|Frequency|Percent|Cumulative_Frequency|Cumulative_Percent|
|West Virginia|        5|   50.0|                   5|              50.0|
|     Delaware|        3|   30.0|                   8|              80.0|
|      Indiana|        2|   20.0|                  10|             100.0|