为什么单击按钮时 JavaScript 有时不起作用?

时间:2021-01-09 03:26:41

标签: javascript

我有一个包含三个按钮的 JavaScript 投票系统:


当我点击“投票”按钮时,它保持为零。我必须多次按下投票按钮才能让它投票。与否决相同。当我按下清除时,它什么也不做。 这是我所做的:

  1. 将功能分配给投票、投票和清除:
<button onclick="voteup()">
Vote Up
<button onclick="votedown()">
Vote Down
<button onclick="clear()">
  1. 制作一个段落来显示结果:
<p Id="vote">
You have 0 votes
  1. 创建一个全局变量,以便我可以在以后的函数中访问该变量:
var a = 0;
  1. 创建投票功能:
function voteup() {
var b = a++;
  1. 在voteup()函数中显示结果:
document.getElementById('vote').innerHTML = "You have" + ' ' + b + "votes";
  1. 制作第二个功能(投票):
function votedown(){
var b = a --;
document.getElementById('vote').innerHTML = "You have" + ' ' + b + "votes";
  1. 创建清除函数:
function clear() {
document.getElementById('vote').innerHTML = "Your votes has been cleared";
I set the variable out of the function so voteup and votedown functions can access the a variable. I can't understand this. 

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

var a = 0;

function voteup() {
  document.getElementById('vote').innerHTML = "You have " + a + " votes";

function votedown() {
  document.getElementById('vote').innerHTML = "You have " + a + " votes";

function clearVotes() {
  document.getElementById('vote').innerHTML = "You have 0 votes";
  var div = document.createElement("div");
  div.innerText = "Your votes has been cleared."
  div.style.color = "red";
  div.style.transition = "opacity 0.25s ease-out"
  setTimeout(function() {
    div.style.opacity = "0";
    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 1000)
  }, 3000)
  a = 0
<button onclick="voteup()">
Vote Up
<button onclick="votedown()">
Vote Down
<button onclick="clearVotes()">
<p id="vote">
  You have 0 votes

此外,您忘记了其中一个中 documentgetElementById 之间的一个点。

答案 1 :(得分:1)

当使用 a-- 时,a 的值在执行减法运算之前返回。因此,b 仅设置为 a 的当前值。

如果您希望在将值返回到 b 之前发生此减法运算,请改用减量运算符作为前缀 (--a)。

递减速记运算符的前缀与后缀的区别在其 MDN page 中有明确的说明。

答案 2 :(得分:1)



var a = 0;
const pVote = document.getElementById('vote');

function voteup() {
  pVote.textContent = "You have " + ++a + " votes";
function votedown(){
  pVote.textContent = "You have " + --a + " votes";
function doClear() {
  a = 0
  pVote.textContent = "Your votes has been cleared";
<button onclick="voteup()">  Vote Up  </button>
<button onclick="votedown()">  Vote Down  </button>
<button onclick="doClear()">  Clear </button>
<p id="vote">  You have 0 votes  </p>


const p_vote = document.getElementById('vote')
  ,   btVote = document.getElementById('bt-vote')

var voteCount = 0

btVote.onclick = e =>
  if (!e.target.matches('button[data-op]')) return

  voteCount = eval(`${voteCount} ${e.target.dataset.op}`)

  p_vote.textContent = voteCount ? `You have ${voteCount} votes` : 'Your votes has been cleared'
#VoteBtns button { width : 10em; }
  <div id="bt-vote">
    <button data-op="+ 1" > Vote Up </button>
    <button data-op="- 1" > Vote Down </button>
    <button data-op="* 0" > Clear </button>

  <p Id="vote" >  You have 0 votes </p>