我有一个不和谐机器人的代码,我想自动播放队列中的下一首歌曲。 这是我的代码:
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from discord.ext import commands,tasks
from discord.client import VoiceClient
import asyncio
import youtube_dl
import os
from discord.ext.commands.errors import ClientException, CommandInvokeError
from random import choice
client = commands.Bot(command_prefix='-')
youtube_dl.utils.bug_reports_message = lambda: ''
ytdl_format_options = {
'format': 'bestaudio/best',
'outtmpl': '%(extractor)s-%(id)s-%(title)s.%(ext)s',
'restrictfilenames': True,
'noplaylist': True,
'nocheckcertificate': True,
'ignoreerrors': False,
'logtostderr': False,
'quiet': True,
'no_warnings': True,
'default_search': 'auto',
'source_address': '' # bind to ipv4 since ipv6 addresses cause issues sometimes
ffmpeg_options = {
'options': '-vn'
ytdl = youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ytdl_format_options)
dir_name = "C:/Users/Ishan/Desktop/Bots"
test = os.listdir(dir_name)
class YTDLSource(discord.PCMVolumeTransformer):
def __init__(self, source, *, data, volume=0.5):
super().__init__(source, volume)
self.data = data
self.title = data.get('title')
self.url = data.get('url')
self.dictMeta = data.get('duration')
async def from_url(cls, url, *, loop=None, stream=False):
loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop()
data = await loop.run_in_executor(None, lambda: ytdl.extract_info(url, download=not stream))
if 'entries' in data:
# take first item from a playlist
data = data['entries'][0]
# dictMeta = data['duration']
# print(dictMeta)
filename = data['url'] if stream else ytdl.prepare_filename(data)
return cls(discord.FFmpegPCMAudio(filename, **ffmpeg_options), data=data)
token = 'Token'
q = []
@client.command(name="join",help="Bot joins the voice channel music")
async def join(ctx):
voiceChannel = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.voice_channels, name='Music')
await voiceChannel.connect()
voice = discord.utils.get(client.voice_clients, guild=ctx.guild)
except ClientException:
await ctx.send('Already in Voice Channel')
@client.command(name="play",help="Plays a song from queue")
async def play(ctx):
voice = discord.utils.get(client.voice_clients, guild=ctx.guild)
global q
if len(q) >=1:
if voice != None:
async with ctx.typing():
player = await YTDLSource.from_url(q[0],loop=client.loop)
voice.play(player,after=lambda e: print('Player error: %s' % e) if e else None)
del q[0]
await ctx.send(f"**Now Playing** {player.title}")
except ClientException:
await ctx.send("Wait for the current playing music to end or use the 'stop' command")
except CommandInvokeError:
await ctx.send("Video not found")
await ctx.send("Please connect Bot to Voice Channel First using -join")
await ctx.send("Please add a song using '-queue' command")
@client.command(name="leave",help="The Bots leaves the voice channel")
async def leave(ctx):
voice = discord.utils.get(client.voice_clients, guild=ctx.guild)
if voice.is_connected():
await voice.disconnect()
await ctx.send("The Bot is Not connected to a voice channel")
@client.command(name="pause",help="Pauses the playing song")
async def pause(ctx):
voice = discord.utils.get(client.voice_clients, guild=ctx.guild)
if voice.is_playing():
await ctx.send('No Audio Playing')
@client.command(name="resume",help="Resumes the paused song")
async def resume(ctx):
voice = discord.utils.get(client.voice_clients, guild=ctx.guild)
if voice.is_paused():
await ctx.send('The Audio is Not Paused')
@client.command(name="stop",help="Stops the playing song")
async def stop(ctx):
voice = discord.utils.get(client.voice_clients, guild=ctx.guild)
@client.command(name="queue",help="Adds a song to Queue")
async def queue(ctx,url,*args):
global q
a = '_'.join(args)
c = url+'_'+a
x = ' '.join(args)
y= url + ' '+ x
await ctx.send(f"Added To Queue :**{y}**")
@client.command(help="Removes a song from queue")
async def remove(ctx,number):
global q
await ctx.send(f'Your queue is now {q}')
await ctx.send(f"Your queue is empty")
@client.command(help="view the songs in queue")
async def view(ctx):
await ctx.send(f'Your queue is : ')
for i in q:
x = i.replace('_'," ")
await ctx.send(f'``{x}``')
这里我首先使用队列命令创建一个包含歌曲名称的列表,然后播放命令播放列表中的第一首歌曲,但我不知道如何循环这个过程。 请告诉我如何自动播放下一首歌曲。