自动反应消息 discord.js

时间:2020-12-21 23:58:36

标签: node.js discord discord.js

如何制作一个自动消息代码,每 2.5 小时在特定频道中运行一次,ID 为:731634178029912096?

(我对 discord.js 一无所知)


module.exports = {
    name: "help",
    description: "view all commands and their description",
    run: async (message, args) => {

        const { commands } = require("../selfbot.js")
        const { prefix } = require("../config.json")

        let msg = ""

        for (command of commands.keys()) {
            msg = msg + prefix + "**" + command + "** " + commands.get(command).description + "\n"

        await message.edit(msg).then(() => {
            setTimeout(() => {
            }, 10000)


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您的问题是在命令文件中执行 setTimeout();。只有在调用命令时才会读取。这是你应该做的:

var helpMessage = "whatever is in the message";
const helpChannel = client.channels.cache.get(731634178029912096);
const sendMessage = setInterval(() => helpChannel.send(helpMessage), 9000000); //9000000 = milliseconds in 2.5 hours

注意:使用频道 ID 仅适用于该服务器中的该特定频道