我在运行 flag provided but not defined: -logtostderr
时收到此错误 helm upgrade -f prometheus.yaml prometheus stable/prometheus-operator
default prometheus-prometheus-oper-operator-69f8b7fccd-q4snd 1/2 CrashLoopBackOff 6 6m44s
kubectl logs -f prometheus-prometheus-oper-operator-69f8b7fccd-q4snd -c prometheus-operator
flag provided but not defined: -logtostderr
Usage of /bin/operator:
-alertmanager-default-base-image string
Alertmanager default base image (path without tag/version) (default "quay.io/prometheus/alertmanager")
-alertmanager-instance-namespaces value
Namespaces where Alertmanager custom resources and corresponding StatefulSets are watched/created. If set this takes precedence over --namespaces or --deny-namespaces for Alertmanager custom resources.
-alertmanager-instance-selector string
Label selector to filter AlertManager Custom Resources to watch.