
时间:2020-11-11 09:42:34

标签: flutter google-maps dart location

我正在制作添加了Google Maps的导航地图。它的工作方式是,一旦用户GPS /位置更改,地图便会动画显示到当前位置标记位置。它运作良好,但是一旦我手动移动地图以沿多段线查看目标标记,该地图也会自动动画化回用户位置。如何确保动画仅在用户位置更改时发生,而不是在我自己移动地图时发生。

  void updatePinOnMap() async {
    // create a new CameraPosition instance
    // every time the location changes, so the camera
    // follows the pin as it moves with an animation
    CameraPosition cPosition = CameraPosition(
      zoom: CAMERA_ZOOM,
      tilt: CAMERA_TILT,
      bearing: currentLocation.heading,
      target: LatLng(currentLocation.latitude, currentLocation.longitude),
    final GoogleMapController controller = await _controller.future;
     ///here i need an if statement to only animate when GPS changed not when i move/slide the map.
    // do this inside the setState() so Flutter gets notified
    // that a widget update is due
    setState(() {
      // updated position
      var pinPosition =
          LatLng(currentLocation.latitude, currentLocation.longitude);

      // the trick is to remove the marker (by id)
      // and add it again at the updated location
      _markers.removeWhere((m) => m.markerId.value == 'sourcePin');
          markerId: MarkerId('sourcePin'),
          position: pinPosition, // updated position
          icon: sourceIcon));


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