我正在开发一个akinator discord机器人(一个玩akinator游戏的机器人)。因此,一切正常,但是当我使用node .
时,该机器人会联机,但是当我使用该命令启动$aki start
Error: A problem occurred with making the request. Error: A problem occurred with making the request. Request Value: null at rp (C:\Users\ELCOT\Desktop\Aki bot\AkiBot-master\node_modules\aki-api\src\lib\functions\Request.js:25:11) at async module.exports (C:\Users\ELCOT\Desktop\Aki bot\AkiBot-master\node_modules\aki-api\src\functions\start.js:17:18) at async startAki (C:\Users\ELCOT\Desktop\Aki bot\AkiBot-master\functions.js:17:22) TypeError: Cannot read property 'akiMsg' of undefined at Erore404 (C:\Users\ELCOT\Desktop\Aki bot\AkiBot-master\functions.js:340:55) at startAki (C:\Users\ELCOT\Desktop\Aki bot\AkiBot-master\functions.js:47:9)
const {
} = require("discord.js");
const {
} = require("./config");
const lang = require("./lang");
let text = lang[region];
let oldCollects = {};
async function startAki(message, akiMsg) {
try {
/////////////////// Game Start ///////////////////////////////
const data = await aki.start(region); // Start Game
let session = data.session;
let signature = data.signature;
const embed = new RichEmbed()
.setAuthor(data.question, "https://botlist.imgix.net/3147/c/Akinator-chatbot-medium.jpg")
.setFooter(`Send By: ${message.author.tag}`, message.guild.iconURl)
.addField(`${text.q} 1`, text.options)
const emojis = ['1⃣', '2⃣', '3⃣', '4⃣', '5⃣', '↩', '⏹'];
let x = 0;
while (x < 7) {
let emo = emojis[x];
await akiMsg.react(emo);
await collectors(message.author, akiMsg, akiMsg.createReactionCollector((reaction, user) => reaction.emoji.name == emo && user.id === message.author.id, {
time: 0
}), session, signature, 0, null, null, data);
await akiMsg.edit({
embed: embed
} catch (err) {
async function collectors(author, akiMsg, collector, session, signature, step, oldWin, enter, data) {
if (!oldWin) oldWin = null;
if (!oldCollects[author.id]) {
oldCollects[author.id] = {
c: [],
authorId: author.id,
date: Date.now(),
lastid: [],
q1Question: data.question,
q1Session: data.session,
akiMsg: akiMsg,
wait: 3
await oldCollects[author.id].c.push(collector);
collector.on('collect', async r => {
let answerId;
if (r.emoji.name == '1⃣') answerId = 0;
else if (r.emoji.name == '2⃣') answerId = 1;
else if (r.emoji.name == '3⃣') answerId = 2;
else if (r.emoji.name == '4⃣') answerId = 3;
else if (r.emoji.name == '5⃣') answerId = 4;
else if (r.emoji.name == '⏹') {
await endGame(author.id, akiMsg);
} else if (r.emoji.name == '↩') {
Back(author, akiMsg, session, signature, answerId, step)
} else if (r.emoji.name == '✅') {
const embed = new RichEmbed()
.setAuthor(text.correctGuess, "https://botlist.imgix.net/3147/c/Akinator-chatbot-medium.jpg")
.addField(text.name, oldWin.name, true)
.addField(text.dis, oldWin.dis, true)
.addField(text.rank, oldWin.rank, true)
.setFooter(`Made By: MS6RB#1101`, akiMsg.guild.iconURl)
embed: embed
akiMsg.clearReactions().then(async m => {
oldCollects[author.id].c.map(async c => await c.stop());
delete oldCollects[author.id];
} else if (r.emoji.name == '❎') {
.then(async msg => {
const emojiss = ['1⃣', '2⃣', '3⃣', '4⃣', '5⃣', '↩', '⏹'];
oldCollects[author.id].date = Date.now();
oldCollects[author.id].c.map(async c => await c.stop());
oldCollects[author.id].c = [];
let x = 0;
while (x < 7) {
let emo = emojiss[x];
await msg.react(emo)
await collectors(author, akiMsg, akiMsg.createReactionCollector((reaction, user) => reaction.emoji.name == emo && user.id === author.id, {
time: 0
}), session, signature, step)
return Next(author, akiMsg, session, signature, answerId, step + 1, true);
Next(author, akiMsg, session, signature, answerId, step, false);
async function Next(author, akiMsg, session, signature, answerId, step, enter) {
/////////////////// Next Answer ///////////////////////////////
oldCollects[author.id].c.map(async c => await c.stop());
oldCollects[author.id].c = [];
const nextInfo = await aki.step(region, session, signature, answerId, step);
if (enter == true) oldCollects[author.id].wait--
if (oldCollects[author.id].wait == 0) {
enter = false;
oldCollects[author.id].wait = 3
if (step >= 72) return Loser(author, akiMsg);
if (nextInfo.progress >= 90 && enter !== true) {
const win = await aki.win(region, session, signature, step + 1);
let guess = win.answers[0];
const lastIds = oldCollects[author.id].lastid
let x = lastIds.length;
if (lastIds.includes(guess.id)) guess = win.answers[x];
if (guess == undefined) {
return Loser(author, akiMsg);
} else {
const embed = new RichEmbed()
.setAuthor(text.iThinkOf, "https://botlist.imgix.net/3147/c/Akinator-chatbot-medium.jpg")
.addField(text.name, guess.name, true)
.addField(text.dis, guess.description, true)
.addField(text.rank, guess.ranking, true)
.setFooter(`Send By: ${author.tag}`, akiMsg.guild.iconURl)
embed: embed
akiMsg.clearReactions().then(async m => {
const emojis = ['✅', '❎'];
oldCollects[author.id].date = Date.now();
let x = 0;
while (x < 2) {
let emo = emojis[x];
await m.react(emo)
await collectors(author, akiMsg, akiMsg.createReactionCollector((reaction, user) => reaction.emoji.name == emo && user.id === author.id, {
time: 0
}), session, signature, nextInfo.nextStep, {
'name': guess.name,
'dis': guess.description,
'rank': guess.ranking,
'img': guess.absolute_picture_path
} else {
const embed = new RichEmbed()
.setAuthor(nextInfo.nextQuestion, "https://botlist.imgix.net/3147/c/Akinator-chatbot-medium.jpg")
.setFooter(`Send By: ${author.tag}`, akiMsg.guild.iconURl)
.addField(`${text.q} ${nextInfo.currentStep+2}`, text.options)
embed: embed
.then(async msg => {
const emojis = ['1⃣', '2⃣', '3⃣', '4⃣', '5⃣', '↩', '⏹'];
oldCollects[author.id].date = Date.now();
let x = 0;
while (x < 7) {
let emo = emojis[x];
await collectors(author, akiMsg, akiMsg.createReactionCollector((reaction, user) => reaction.emoji.name == emo && user.id === author.id, {
time: 0
}), session, signature, nextInfo.nextStep, null, enter)
async function Back(author, akiMsg, session, signature, answerId, step) {
if (step == 0) return;
else if (step == 1) {
oldCollects[author.id].c.map(async c => await c.stop());
oldCollects[author.id].c = [];
const embed = new RichEmbed()
.setAuthor(oldCollects[author.id].q1Question, "https://botlist.imgix.net/3147/c/Akinator-chatbot-medium.jpg")
.setFooter(`Send By: ${author.tag}`, akiMsg.guild.iconURl)
.addField(`${text.q} ${step}`, text.options)
embed: embed
.then(async msg => {
const emojis = ['1⃣', '2⃣', '3⃣', '4⃣', '5⃣', '↩', '⏹'];
oldCollects[author.id].date = Date.now();
let x = 0;
while (x < 7) {
let emo = emojis[x];
await collectors(author, akiMsg, akiMsg.createReactionCollector((reaction, user) => reaction.emoji.name == emo && user.id === author.id, {
time: 0
}), oldCollects[author.id].q1Session, signature, 0)
} else {
/////////////////// Back Answer ///////////////////////////////
oldCollects[author.id].c.map(async c => await c.stop());
oldCollects[author.id].c = [];
const previousStep = await aki.back(region, session, signature, answerId, step);
const embed = new RichEmbed()
.setAuthor(previousStep.nextQuestion, "https://botlist.imgix.net/3147/c/Akinator-chatbot-medium.jpg")
.setFooter(`Send By: ${author.tag}`, akiMsg.guild.iconURl)
.addField(`${text.q} ${step}`, text.options)
embed: embed
.then(async msg => {
const emojis = ['1⃣', '2⃣', '3⃣', '4⃣', '5⃣', '↩', '⏹'];
oldCollects[author.id].date = Date.now();
let x = 0;
while (x < 7) {
let emo = emojis[x];
await collectors(author, akiMsg, akiMsg.createReactionCollector((reaction, user) => reaction.emoji.name == emo && user.id === author.id, {
time: 0
}), session, signature, previousStep.nextStep)
async function Loser(author, akiMsg) {
const embed = new RichEmbed()
.setAuthor(text.giveUp, "https://botlist.imgix.net/3147/c/Akinator-chatbot-medium.jpg")
.setFooter(`Send By: ${author.tag}`, akiMsg.guild.iconURl)
await akiMsg.edit({
embed: embed
akiMsg.clearReactions().then(async m => {
oldCollects[author.id].c.map(async c => await c.stop());
delete oldCollects[author.id];
async function endGame(authorId, akiMsg, reason) {
if (oldCollects[authorId].c) {
oldCollects[authorId].c.map(async c => await c.stop());
delete oldCollects[authorId];
await akiMsg.clearReactions();
if (reason == 'timeout') await akiMsg.edit(text.gameClosedTimeOut, {
embed: null
else await akiMsg.edit(text.gameClosed, {
embed: null
async function checkTime() {
for (i in oldCollects) {
var difference = Date.now() - oldCollects[i].date; // This will give difference in milliseconds
var resultInMinutes = Math.round(difference / 60000);
if (resultInMinutes >= 5) {
try {
await endGame(oldCollects[i].authorId, oldCollects[i].akiMsg, 'timeout');
} catch (err) {
async function Erore404(authorId) {
try {
await endGame(authorId, oldCollects[authorId].akiMsg, 'error');
} catch (err) {
module.exports = {
Please help me and consider me as a newb in this feild! So a clear explaination would help a lot!
I dont know what causes tis error or how to fix it. Hope someone will help! Thanks <3