typedef struct CDPoint {
CGFloat x, y, z;
} CDPoint;
// Creates a CDPoint from 3 float numbers
CDPoint CDPointMake(float x, float y, float z);
typedef struct CDLine {
CDPoint a, b;
} CDLine;
// Creates a CDPoint from 2 CDPoints
CDLine CDLineMake(CDPoint a, CDPoint b);
typedef struct CDVector {
CDPoint start, finish;
CDPoint gradient;
} CDVector;
// Creates a CDVector from 2 CDPoints
CDVector CDVectorMake(CDPoint startPoint, CDPoint endPoint);
// Returns a point travelled to on a given vector, using a start point and a distance scalar.
CDPoint CDVectorTrace(CDVector vecToTrace, CDPoint startPoint, float distance);
// This is stuff that shoudn't really be in this section, but are for convenience purposes until it has enough functions to be standalone.
GLfloat* CDMeshColorsCreateGrey(CGFloat bValue, CGFloat vertCount);
CGFloat* CDMeshVertexesCreateRectangle(CGFloat height, CGFloat width);
#include "CDGeometry.h"
/* A collection of functions and typedefs that aid 2D and 3D environment positioning and provides methods for objects and processes. Also includes elements relevant to collision detection. */
CDPoint CDPointMake(float x, float y, float z)
return (CDPoint) {x, y, z};
CDLine CDLineMake(CDPoint a, CDPoint b)
return (CDLine) {a, b};
CDVector CDVectorMake(CDPoint startPoint, CDPoint endPoint)
CDPoint grad = CDPointMake(startPoint.x / endPoint.x,
startPoint.y / endPoint.y,
startPoint.z / endPoint.z);
return (CDVector) {startPoint, endPoint, grad};
GLfloat* CDMeshColorsCreateGrey(CGFloat bValue, CGFloat vertCount)
GLfloat *greyColor = (GLfloat *) malloc(vertCount * 4 * sizeof(GLfloat));
int index = 0;
for (index = 0; index < (vertCount); index++)
int position = index * 4;
greyColor[position] = bValue;
greyColor[position + 1] = bValue;
greyColor[position + 2] = bValue;
greyColor[position + 3] = 1.0;
return greyColor;
CGFloat* CDMeshVertexesCreateRectangle(CGFloat height, CGFloat width) {
CGFloat *squareVertexes = (CGFloat *) malloc(8 * sizeof(CGFloat));
squareVertexes[0] = -(width / 2);
squareVertexes[1] = -(height / 2);
squareVertexes[2] = (width / 2);
squareVertexes[3] = -(height / 2);
squareVertexes[4] = (width / 2);
squareVertexes[5] = (height / 2);
squareVertexes[6] = -(width / 2);
squareVertexes[7] = (height / 2);
return squareVertexes;
当我不导入或任何其他框架时,我收到CGFloat和GLfloat的'Parse Error:unknown type name'。当我在.h文件中执行时,我得到Parse和Semantic错误,其中NSString是框架内的未知类型名称,以及其他“预期标识符”或“错误。
答案 0 :(得分:6)
是CoreGraphics Framework的一部分。如果要使用纯C,则无法访问CGFloat,只需将其定义为浮点数即可。如果你的课程只与Objective-C一起使用,你可以把它变成一个.m文件,你不应该有任何麻烦。