我正在使用GitHub操作运行自动构建,以构建应用程序捆绑包并将其发布到Play商店。 它在构建发布阶段失败。以下是我的操作文件:
version: 99.99.99+99
sdk: ">=2.3.0 <3.0.0"
sdk: flutter
# The following adds the Cupertino Icons font to your application.
# Use with the CupertinoIcons class for iOS style icons.
cupertino_icons: ^0.1.2
intro_views_flutter: "^2.8.1"
fluttertoast: ^7.0.2
toast: ^0.1.5
intent: ^1.4.0
flutter_tts: 1.0.0
flutter_paystack: "1.0.4+1"
shared_preferences: "^0.4.2"
url_launcher: ^5.4.2
webview_flutter: ^0.3.20
# firebase_auth: ^0.18.1+1
# Add the dependency for the Firebase Core Flutter SDK
firebase_core: ^0.4.0+9
cloud_firestore: ^0.12.0+5
firebase_auth: ^0.15.3
- run: flutter pub get
# - run: flutter test
- run: flutter build apk --release --split-per-abi
- run: flutter build appbundle
- name: Create a Release in GitHub
uses: ncipollo/release-action@v1
artifacts: "build/app/outputs/apk/release/*.apk,build/app/outputs/bundle/release/app-release.aab"
token: ${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN }}
tag: ${{ steps.version.outputs.content }}
commit: ${{ github.sha }}
- name: Upload app bundle
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
name: appbundle
path: build/app/outputs/bundle/release/app-release.aab
name: Release app to internal track
needs: [build]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
- name: Get appbundle from artifacts
uses: actions/download-artifact@v2
name: appbundle
- name: Release app to internal track
uses: r0adkll/upload-google-play@v1
serviceAccountJsonPlainText: ${{ secrets.PLAYSTORE_ACCOUNT_KEY }}
packageName: com.philencripted.earlyread
releaseFile: app-release.aab
track: internal
whatsNewDirectory: distribution/whatsnew
Run flutter build apk --release --split-per-abi
Running Gradle task 'assembleRelease'...
warning: [options] source value 7 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
warning: [options] target value 7 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
warning: [options] To suppress warnings about obsolete options, use -Xlint:-options.
3 warnings
warning: [options] source value 7 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
warning: [options] target value 7 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
warning: [options] To suppress warnings about obsolete options, use -Xlint:-options.
3 warnings
warning: [options] source value 7 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
warning: [options] target value 7 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
warning: [options] To suppress warnings about obsolete options, use -Xlint:-options.
3 warnings
warning: [options] source value 7 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
warning: [options] target value 7 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
warning: [options] To suppress warnings about obsolete options, use -Xlint:-options.
Note: /opt/hostedtoolcache/flutter/1.22.2-stable/x64/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/cloud_firestore-0.12.11/android/src/main/java/io/flutter/plugins/firebase/cloudfirestore/CloudFirestorePlugin.java uses or overrides a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
Note: /opt/hostedtoolcache/flutter/1.22.2-stable/x64/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/cloud_firestore-0.12.11/android/src/main/java/io/flutter/plugins/firebase/cloudfirestore/CloudFirestorePlugin.java uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
3 warnings
warning: [options] source value 7 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
warning: [options] target value 7 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
warning: [options] To suppress warnings about obsolete options, use -Xlint:-options.
3 warnings
warning: [options] source value 7 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
warning: [options] target value 7 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
warning: [options] To suppress warnings about obsolete options, use -Xlint:-options.
3 warnings
warning: [options] source value 7 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
warning: [options] target value 7 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
warning: [options] To suppress warnings about obsolete options, use -Xlint:-options.
3 warnings
warning: [options] source value 7 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
warning: [options] target value 7 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
warning: [options] To suppress warnings about obsolete options, use -Xlint:-options.
3 warnings
warning: [options] source value 7 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
warning: [options] target value 7 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
warning: [options] To suppress warnings about obsolete options, use -Xlint:-options.
3 warnings
warning: [options] source value 7 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
warning: [options] target value 7 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
warning: [options] To suppress warnings about obsolete options, use -Xlint:-options.
3 warnings
warning: [options] source value 7 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
warning: [options] target value 7 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
warning: [options] To suppress warnings about obsolete options, use -Xlint:-options.
Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
Note: /opt/hostedtoolcache/flutter/1.22.2-stable/x64/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/webview_flutter-0.3.24/android/src/main/java/io/flutter/plugins/webviewflutter/FlutterWebView.java uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
3 warnings
warning: [options] source value 7 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
warning: [options] target value 7 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
warning: [options] To suppress warnings about obsolete options, use -Xlint:-options.
3 warnings
warning: [options] source value 7 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
warning: [options] target value 7 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
warning: [options] To suppress warnings about obsolete options, use -Xlint:-options.
3 warnings
warning: [options] source value 7 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
warning: [options] target value 7 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
warning: [options] To suppress warnings about obsolete options, use -Xlint:-options.
3 warnings
Calling mockable JAR artifact transform to create file: /home/runner/.gradle/caches/transforms-2/files-2.1/cf27c79d9a1ca383a5de54e0c43a32fe/android.jar with input /usr/local/lib/android/sdk/platforms/android-28/android.jar
Calling mockable JAR artifact transform to create file: /home/runner/.gradle/caches/transforms-2/files-2.1/8f3797ea408b2bbea5e5c1abe74922af/android.jar with input /usr/local/lib/android/sdk/platforms/android-27/android.jar
Calling mockable JAR artifact transform to create file: /home/runner/.gradle/caches/transforms-2/files-2.1/ffcaf9949b48e1d1efd7816ff2a6c939/android.jar with input /usr/local/lib/android/sdk/platforms/android-29/android.jar
Removed unused resources: Binary resource data reduced from 989KB to 939KB: Removed 5%
Removed unused resources: Binary resource data reduced from 989KB to 939KB: Removed 5%
Removed unused resources: Binary resource data reduced from 989KB to 939KB: Removed 5%
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':shared_preferences:verifyReleaseResources'.
> A failure occurred while executing com.android.build.gradle.internal.tasks.Workers$ActionFacade
> Android resource linking failed
/home/runner/.gradle/caches/transforms-2/files-2.1/3aaf6e5219b7f981ec263df919098c6f/core-1.1.0/res/values/values.xml:142:5-173:25: AAPT: error: resource android:attr/fontVariationSettings not found.
/home/runner/.gradle/caches/transforms-2/files-2.1/3aaf6e5219b7f981ec263df919098c6f/core-1.1.0/res/values/values.xml:142:5-173:25: AAPT: error: resource android:attr/ttcIndex not found.
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
* Get more help at https://help.gradle.org
BUILD FAILED in 5m 45s
Running Gradle task 'assembleRelease'... 346.6s (!)
The built failed likely due to AndroidX incompatibilities in a plugin. The tool is about to try using Jetfier to solve the incompatibility.
Building plugin cloud_firestore...
Running Gradle task 'assembleAarRelease'...
The plugin cloud_firestore could not be built due to the issue above.
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.```