我想在Android本机播放器中播放vimeo视频。我有vimeo PRO。 在vimeo文档中,提供了以下代码,可以在本机播放
Video video = ...; // obtain a video you own as described above
Play play = video.getPlay();
if (play != null) {
VideoFile dashFile = play.getDashVideoFile();
String dashLike = dashFile.getLink();
// load link
VideoFile hlsFile = play.getHlsVideoFile();
String hlsLink = hlsFile.getLink();
// load link
ArrayList<VideoFile> progressiveFiles = play.getProgressiveVideoFiles();
// pick a progressive file to play
但是当我尝试时, video.getPlay()返回null
VimeoClient.getInstance().fetchNetworkContent(uri, new ModelCallback<Video>(Video.class) {
public void success(Video video) {
Play play = video.getPlay(); // **returning null**
if (play != null) {
VideoFile hlsFile = play.getHlsVideoFile();
String hlsLink = hlsFile.getLink();
// load link
public void failure(VimeoError error) {
// voice the error
Log.d(TAG, "failure: ");
Is there anything i am doing wrong ? or is there any other way to play vimeo videos?