我只是想写字符串“ It Works!”。进入文件“ myFile.txt”。 file_work.s和myFile.txt都在同一目录中。
# file name: file_work.s
fout: .asciiz "myFile.txt" # filename for output
buffer: .asciiz "It Works!"
# Open (for reading) a file
li $v0, 13 # system call for open file
la $a0, fout # output file name
li $a1, 0 # flags
syscall # open a file (file descriptor returned in $v0)
move $t0, $v0 # save file descriptor in $t0
# Write to file just opened
li $v0, 15 # system call for read to file
la $a1, buffer # address of buffer from which to write
li $a2, 32 # hardcoded buffer length
move $a0, $t0 # put the file descriptor in $a0
syscall # write to file
la $a0, buffer #load the address into $a0
li $v0, 4 # print the string out
# Close the file
li $v0, 16 # system call for close file
move $a0, $t0 # Restore fd
syscall # close file
li $v0, 10 # end the file