我想从html提取文本。 我已经通过webrequest获得了html源。
class="btn btn-success btn-lg" href="I wanto to get this link that is changing every time" rel="nofollow noopener">Click</a><
我可以使用子字符串方法(例如startwith和end with)吗? 谢谢
答案 0 :(得分:2)
因此,我使用string.indexof找到了一个解决方案。 html字符串中的那些“”让我有点挣扎,但这现在可以完成它应该做的事情。
Dim allinputtext As String = RichTextBox1.Text
Dim textafter As String = """ rel=""nofollow noopener"
Dim textbefore As String = "class=""btn btn-success btn-lg"" href="""
Dim startPosition As Integer = allInputText.IndexOf(textBefore)
'If text before was not found, return Nothing
If startPosition < 0 Then
End If
'Move the start position to the end of the text before, rather than the beginning.
startPosition += textBefore.Length
'Find the first occurrence of text after the desired number
Dim endPosition As Integer = allInputText.IndexOf(textAfter, startPosition)
'If text after was not found, return Nothing
If endPosition < 0 Then
End If
'Get the string found at the start and end positions
Dim textFound As String = allInputText.Substring(startPosition, endPosition - startPosition)
TextBox4.Text = (textFound)