我正在使用Brain.js制作Gomoku AI,即使Input的大小固定为225,也没有经过训练。 (所有值都为空,训练错误仅为NaN。)
Picture of trained model .json
在填充数据的过程中将“ 00”放平以将Input的大小减小到225是否正确?
input: [
'00', '00', '00', '00', ... fill '00' in to empty space to fit 225 size
output: { '88': 1 } //The winning player's move have 1 value
input: [
'88', '00', '00', '00', ... fill '00' in to empty space to fit 225 size
output: { '89': 0 } //The losing player's move have 0 value
input: [
'88', '89', '00', '00', ... fill '00' in to empty space to fit 225 size
output: { '68': 1 }
and Here's my code.