我的意图是为每个产品创建一个表,其中包含两个不同年份的订单数和收入。 我的想法是使用双左联接,但我不明白为什么该查询在MS ACCESS上不起作用。 我决定使用LEFT JOIN,因为每年在子查询中,如果未订购某些产品,则可能不会出现。 子查询a和b都可以。他们分开工作。 此查询有什么问题?
SELECT p.PK_Product_ID, a.[2013_Orders], a.[2013_Gross_Value], b.[2014_Orders], b.[2014_Gross_Value]
FROM Products AS p
(SELECT p.PK_Product_ID AS Product_ID, COUNT(o.PK_Order_ID) AS 2013_Orders,
SUM((p.UnitPrice*od.Quantity)) AS 2013_Gross_Value
FROM [Order Details] AS od, p, Orders AS o
WHERE od.FK_Product_ID = p.PK_Product_ID
AND od.FK_Order_ID = o.PK_Order_ID
AND YEAR(o.OrderDate) = 2013
GROUP BY p.PK_Product_ID) AS a
ON p.PK_Product_ID = a.Product_ID
(SELECT p.PK_Product_ID AS Product_ID, COUNT(o.PK_Order_ID) AS 2014_Orders, SUM((p.UnitPrice*od.Quantity)) AS 2014_Gross_Value
FROM od, p, o
WHERE od.FK_Product_ID = p.PK_Product_ID
AND od.FK_Order_ID = o.PK_Order_ID
AND YEAR(o.OrderDate) = 2014
GROUP BY p.PK_Product_ID) AS b
ON p.PK_Product_ID = b.Product_ID;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
Message : ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
ORA-06512: at line 16
ORA-06512: at line 16
我希望它会给出一个错误,即“ p”不是表的名称。
SELECT p.PK_Product_ID AS Product_ID, COUNT(o.PK_Order_ID) AS 2013_Orders,
SUM((p.UnitPrice*od.Quantity)) AS 2013_Gross_Value
FROM [Order Details] AS od, p, Orders AS o
WHERE od.FK_Product_ID = p.PK_Product_ID
AND od.FK_Order_ID = o.PK_Order_ID
AND YEAR(o.OrderDate) = 2013
GROUP BY p.PK_Product_ID
SELECT p.PK_Product_ID AS Product_ID, COUNT(o.PK_Order_ID) AS 2013_Orders,
SUM((p.UnitPrice*od.Quantity)) AS 2013_Gross_Value
FROM [Order Details] AS od, Products as p, Orders AS o
WHERE od.FK_Product_ID = p.PK_Product_ID
AND od.FK_Order_ID = o.PK_Order_ID
AND YEAR(o.OrderDate) = 2013
GROUP BY p.PK_Product_ID
SELECT p.PK_Product_ID, a.[2013_Orders], a.[2013_Gross_Value], b.[2014_Orders], b.[2014_Gross_Value]
FROM Products AS p
SELECT p.PK_Product_ID AS Product_ID, COUNT(o.PK_Order_ID) AS 2013_Orders, SUM((p.UnitPrice*od.Quantity)) AS 2013_Gross_Value
FROM [Order Details] AS od
JOIN Products as p ON od.FK_Product_ID = p.PK_Product_ID
JOIN Orders AS o ON od.FK_Order_ID = o.PK_Order_ID AND YEAR(o.OrderDate) = 2013
GROUP BY p.PK_Product_ID
) AS a ON p.PK_Product_ID = a.Product_ID
SELECT p.PK_Product_ID AS Product_ID, COUNT(o.PK_Order_ID) AS 2013_Orders, SUM((p.UnitPrice*od.Quantity)) AS 2013_Gross_Value
FROM [Order Details] AS od
JOIN Products as p ON od.FK_Product_ID = p.PK_Product_ID
JOIN Orders AS o ON od.FK_Order_ID = o.PK_Order_ID AND YEAR(o.OrderDate) = 2013
GROUP BY p.PK_Product_ID
) AS b ON p.PK_Product_ID = b.Product_ID;
答案 1 :(得分:0)
SELECT p.PK_Product_ID AS Product_ID,
SUM(IIF(YEAR(o.OrderDate) = 2013, 1, 0)) AS 2013_Orders,
SUM(IIF(YEAR(o.OrderDate) = 2013, p.UnitPrice * od.Quantity, 0)) AS 2013_Gross_Value,
SUM(IIF(YEAR(o.OrderDate) = 2014, 1, 0)) AS 2014_Orders,
SUM(IIF(YEAR(o.OrderDate) = 2014, p.UnitPrice * od.Quantity, 0)) AS 2014_Gross_Value
FROM (Products AS p LEFT JOIN [Order Details] AS od ON od.FK_Product_ID = p.PK_Product_ID)
LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE YEAR(OrderDate) IN (2013, 2014)) AS o ON od.FK_Order_ID = o.PK_Order_ID
GROUP BY p.PK_Product_ID
答案 2 :(得分:0)
现在,我正在基于IIF()执行sum()。如果订单的年份为2013,则将其总和分别应用1或0。 2014年的情况与此类似。每个结构和最终的列名都应该很明显。如果该记录不适用于该年份,则只需为零。对于总价值也一样,我恰好乘以适用的1或0。
FROM arm32v7/ubuntu:latest
# this part so that tzdata does not ask for user input during the building process
ENV TZ=Europe/Kiev
RUN ln -snf /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ /etc/localtime && echo $TZ > /etc/timezone
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y software-properties-common
RUN add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y build-essential git wget python3.6 python3.6-dev libpython3.6-dev
RUN wget --no-check-certificate https://dl.bintray.com/boostorg/release/1.74.0/source/boost_1_74_0.tar.gz
RUN git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/arvidn/libtorrent.git
ENV CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH="${CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH}:/usr/include/python3.6m"
RUN tar -xzf boost_1_74_0.tar.gz
WORKDIR /root/boost_1_74_0/tools/build
RUN ./bootstrap.sh
RUN cp src/engine/b2 /usr/local/bin/b2
ENV BOOST_ROOT=/root/boost_1_74_0/
ENV BOOST_BUILD_PATH=/root/boost_1_74_0/tools/build/
RUN echo "using gcc : : : <cxxflags>-std=c++14 ;" > user-config.jam
RUN echo "using python : 3.6 : /usr/bin/python3.6 ;" >> user-config.jam
WORKDIR /root/libtorrent
RUN git checkout RC_1_2
WORKDIR /root/libtorrent/bindings/python
RUN b2 -j1 libtorrent-link=static boost-link=static stage_module