
时间:2020-09-29 05:06:00

标签: python pandas numpy matplotlib time-series

提前谢谢! (下面提供的图片)

我正在尝试使热图的Y轴反映与其提取的数据相关的年份。发生的事情是,Y轴只是在数年(0、1、2 ..... 30)应显示为1990、1995、2000等时进行计数。


# links to Minot data if you want to pull from the web
##url2 = ' 
raw_data = pd.read_csv(' 
datadudes/deepSoilTemperature/master/allStationsDailyAirTemp1.csv', index_col=1, parse_dates=True)
df_all_stations = raw_data.copy()

selected_station = 'Minot'

# load the data into a DataFrame, not a Series
# parse the dates, and set them as the index
df1 = df_all_stations[df_all_stations['Station'] == selected_station]

# groupby year and aggregate Temp into a list
dfg1 = df1.groupby(df1.index.year).agg({'Temp': list})

# create a wide format dataframe with all the temp data expanded
df1_wide = pd.DataFrame(dfg1.Temp.tolist(), index=dfg1.index)

# adding the data between 1990/01/01 -/04/23 and delete the 29th of Feb
rng = pd.date_range(start='1990-01-01', end='1990-04-23', freq='D')
df = pd.DataFrame(index= rng)
df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index)
df['Temp'] = np.NaN
frames = [df, df1]
result = pd.concat(frames)
result = result[~((result.index.month == 2) & ( == 29))]

dfg1 = result.groupby(result.index.year).agg({'Temp': list})
df1_wide = pd.DataFrame(dfg1['Temp'].tolist(), index=dfg1.index)

# Setting all leftover empty fields to the average of that time in order to fill in the gaps
df1_wide = df1_wide.apply(lambda x: x.fillna(x.mean()),axis=0)

# ploting the data
fig, (ax1) = plt.subplots(ncols=1, figsize=(20, 5))

##ax1.set_title('Average Daily Air Temperature - Minot Station')
ax1.set_xlabel('Day of the year')
ax1.set_ylabel('Years since start of data collection')

# Setting the title so that it changes based off of the selected station
ax1.set_title('Average Air Temp for ' + str(selected_station))

# Creating Colorbar  
cbm = ax1.matshow(df1_wide, interpolation=None, aspect='auto');

# Plotting the colorbar
cb = plt.colorbar(cbm, ax=ax1)
cb.set_label('Temp in Celsius')

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