
时间:2020-09-24 07:02:09

标签: google-maps flutter dart polyline

我使用flutter polyline插件在flutter中创建了一条折线。现在,我想在用户点击折线时更改其颜色。请帮助我实现这一目标。

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首先,您需要使用Polyline classMap<>对象定义为键/值对的集合,这将帮助您稍后确定要单击的折线/轻按,特别是如果您有许多Polyline对象。

  Map<PolylineId, Polyline> _polylines = <PolylineId, Polyline>{};

  var pointArray; // var to hold the PolylineOverview
  int _polylineIdCounter = 1; // polylineId that you will use for your polylines


void _setPolyline() {
   pointArray = myPoints.decode(overviewPolylinePointsExample); // use PolyUtil(); to decode polylines

   final String polylineIdVal = 'marker_id_$_polylineIdCounter';
   final PolylineId polylineId = PolylineId(polylineIdVal);

   final Polyline polyline = Polyline(
       polylineId: polylineId,
       consumeTapEvents: true, // Set to true to make polylines recognize tap events
       points: pointArray,
       color: Colors.red,
       onTap: () {
         _handlePolylineTap(polylineId); // function that will handle the color change and will be triggered when the polyline was tapped

   setState(() {
     _polylines[polylineId] = polyline; // Add the polyline to your collection


_handlePolylineTap(PolylineId polylineId) {
    setState(() {
       final Polyline newPolyline =
            _polylines[polylineId].copyWith(colorParam: Colors.blue); // create a new polyline object which has a different color using the colorParam property
       _polylines[polylineId] = newPolyline; // add that new polyline object to the list


    polylines: Set<Polyline>.of(_polylines.values),