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Image1 Image4 Image7
Image2 Image5 Image8
Image3 Image6 Image9
Image1 Image4-Image4
Image3 Image5 Image6
答案 0 :(得分:1)
convert logo3.jpg lena2.jpg hatching.jpg zelda3.jpg -transpose miff:- |\
montage - -geometry +2+2 -tile 2x2 miff:- |\
convert - -transpose montage_columns.jpg
答案 1 :(得分:1)
上的ASHLAR:ouput.pngmagick lena.jpg barn.jpg mandril3.jpg monet2.jpg zelda1.jpg redhat.jpg -background black -define ashlar:best-fit=true ASHLAR:x.png[600x400+0+0]
答案 2 :(得分:1)
import sys
import math
import pyvips
column_width = 256
row_height = 256
background_colour = 255 # you could use eg. [128, 255, 128] as well
# pop enough tiles from the argument to fill a page
def layout(tiles):
# we insert an image (at its top-left), or "x" if a tile is covered by an
# image up and left of itself
page = [[None for x in range(3)] for y in range(3)]
# where we put the next tile
current_x = 0
current_y = 0
# loop to fill page
page_filled = False
while not page_filled:
# used up all the tiles?
if tiles == []:
this_tile = tiles[0]
tiles_across = math.ceil(this_tile.width / column_width)
tiles_down = math.ceil(this_tile.height / row_height)
# image too large for page
if tiles_across > 3 or tiles_down > 3:
raise Exception(f"tile too large - {this_tile}")
# loop to find the next free space this tile fits
while True:
# too tall for this column?
if tiles_down > 3 - current_y:
current_y = 0
current_x += 1
# too wide for this row?
if tiles_across > 3 - current_x:
# we've filled the page
page_filled = True
# is this set of tiles clear?
all_clear = True
for y in range(tiles_down):
for x in range(tiles_across):
if page[current_y + y][current_x + x]:
all_clear = False
if all_clear:
# try the next slot down
current_y += 1
# did we find a spot?
if not page_filled:
# place the tile here and mark the spaces it covers in the page
for y in range(tiles_down):
for x in range(tiles_across):
page[current_y + y][current_x + x] = "x"
page[current_y][current_x] = this_tile
# the page has filled -- draw!
image = pyvips.Image.black(3 * column_width, 3 * row_height) \
+ background_colour
for y in range(3):
for x in range(3):
if isinstance(page[y][x], pyvips.Image):
image = image.insert(page[y][x], \
x * column_width, y * row_height)
return image
# a source of tiles .. we just load the command-line arguments
all_tiles = [pyvips.Image.new_from_file(filename, access="sequential")
for filename in sys.argv[1:]]
page_number = 0
while all_tiles != []:
filename = f"page-{page_number}.jpg"
print(f"generating {filename} ...")
page = layout(all_tiles)
page_number += 1
$ ./layout.py ~/pics/shark.jpg ~/pics/k2.jpg ~/pics/shark.jpg ~/pics/shark.jpg ~/pics/shark.jpg ~/pics/shark.jpg ~/pics/shark.jpg ~/pics/shark.jpg
generating page-0.jpg ...
generating page-1.jpg ...
答案 3 :(得分:0)
您可以在Python中作为对ImageMagick montage的子过程调用来做到这一点,如下所示:
import subprocess
cmd = '/usr/local/bin/montage lena.jpg house.jpg boats3_small.jpg barn.jpg cameraman.jpg mandril3.jpg monet2.jpg zelda1.jpg redhat.jpg -tile 3x3 -geometry +0+0 -gravity north -background black montage.jpg'
subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)