
时间:2020-09-09 23:08:43

标签: project-reactor

我是Reactor的新手,我想知道实现这种简单逻辑的正确方法是什么。我想比较项目的两个集合,如果项目匹配,我想将它们添加到Mono 。如果项目相等或项目是其他项目的父项,则匹配它们。

我的测试方法有时会通过,而有时会失败,原因是Mono 中的项目数不正确。我不知道是什么问题。似乎当我使用此单一测试方法为类运行junit测试时,它通过了。但是,当我在同一个类中放置其他测试方法以测试不同的输入/输出时,有时会失败,并且列表中的项目不正确。好像测试方法快完成了一样,才用所有添加的项目更新列表。

package test;

import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import org.junit.Test;
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
import reactor.test.StepVerifier;

public class ReactorBasicsTests {
    public void testMatching() {        
        Mono<List<String>> matched = matching(
                Arrays.asList("fruit", "vegetable", "meat"),
                Arrays.asList("apple", "orange", "carrot", "meat"));
            .consumeNextWith(list -> {
                        "fruit+apple", "fruit+orange", "vegetable+carrot", "meat+meat");
     * Items are matched when:
     * 1) they are equal (meat equals to meat) 
     * 2) item is parent of child item (fruit is parent of apple)   
    public Mono<List<String>> matching(List<String> list1, List<String> list2) {
        Flux<String> items1 = Flux.fromIterable(list1);
        Flux<String> items2 = Flux.fromIterable(list2);
        List<String> matched = new ArrayList<>();
        return items1
            .flatMap(item1 -> items2
                    .flatMap(item2 -> {
                            // Check if item1 is equal to item2
                            Mono<Void> isEqual = Mono.fromSupplier(() -> {
                                if (item1.equals(item2)) {
                                    matched.add(item1 + "+" + item2);
                                return null; // I have to return something to compile the code
                            // Check if item1 is parent of item2
                            Mono<Void> isParent = this.getParents(item2).hasElement(item1)
                                    .flatMap(booleanValue -> {
                                        if (booleanValue) {
                                            matched.add(item1 + "+" + item2);
                                        return Mono.empty();
                            return isEqual.then(isParent).then();
    /** This method simulates reactive database repository request that returns Flux<String> **/
    public Flux<String> getParents(String item) {       
        if (item.equals("apple") || item.equals("orange")) return Flux.just("fruit", "food");
        else if (item.equals("carrot")) return Flux.just("vegetable", "food");
        return Flux.empty();

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