enter code here
我指的是与Substrate Developer Hub相关的以下URL
$ substrate --dev
api v1.32.0-beta.24
apps v0.57.0-beta.34
azhar@hamza:~$ cd substrate
azhar@hamza:~/substrate$ cd flipper/
azhar@hamza:~/substrate/flipper$ ls -lrt
total 32
-rwxr-xr-x 1 azhar azhar 2485 Sep 6 15:35 lib.rs
-rwxr-xr-x 1 azhar azhar 1841 Sep 6 15:35 Cargo.toml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 azhar azhar 17773 Sep 6 15:40 Cargo.lock
drwxrwxr-x 6 azhar azhar 4096 Sep 6 15:59 target
azhar@hamza:~/substrate/flipper$ substrate purge-chain --dev -y
"/home/azhar/.local/share/substrate/chains/dev/db" removed.
azhar@hamza:~/substrate/flipper$ substrate --dev
2020-09-07 07:39:08 Running in --dev mode, RPC CORS has been disabled.
2020-09-07 07:39:08 Substrate Node
2020-09-07 07:39:08 ✌️ version 2.0.0-rc4-00768a1f2-x86_64-linux-gnu
2020-09-07 07:39:08 ❤️ by Parity Technologies <admin@parity.io>, 2017-2020
2020-09-07 07:39:08 ? Chain specification: Development
2020-09-07 07:39:08 ? Node name: cuddly-drink-4879
2020-09-07 07:39:08 ? Role: AUTHORITY
2020-09-07 07:39:08 ? Database: RocksDb at /home/azhar/.local/share/substrate/chains/dev/db
2020-09-07 07:39:08 ⛓ Native runtime: node-254 (substrate-node-0.tx1.au10)
2020-09-07 07:39:09 ? Highest known block at #5
2020-09-07 07:39:09 Using default protocol ID "sup" because none is configured in the chain specs
2020-09-07 07:39:09 ? Local node identity is: 12D3KooWHSShfTJguampmVq7bQ6ND66MCi58fpJcDJ1AbRZM2dic (legacy representation: QmWErSvST4ShC1rw8v9fJbbCTbG4F7eppTd95NeAWY9UMf)
2020-09-07 07:39:09 〽 Prometheus server started at
2020-09-07 07:39:09 ? Starting BABE Authorship worker
2020-09-07 07:39:12 ? Starting consensus session on top of parent 0xe648d7b44aee8d408fdfb38a1a512397938da9041267ff021d08cb2a11ad31e8
2020-09-07 07:39:12 Timeout fired waiting for transaction pool at block #5. Proceeding with production.
2020-09-07 07:39:12 ? Prepared block for proposing at 6 [hash: 0x4f2ac0073a62c094d81aa89a6b4e4713946ece49a8a8a906cc5ac32b9b5ad6e6; parent_hash: 0xe648…31e8; extrinsics (2): [0x903e…9c56, 0xffb8…6c71]]
2020-09-07 07:39:12 ? Pre-sealed block for proposal at 6. Hash now 0xcb5bcb8d622e93f95deeb0822ed0500d74422793b38bfaa1c7cf7a4799d3db21, previously 0x4f2ac0073a62c094d81aa89a6b4e4713946ece49a8a8a906cc5ac32b9b5ad6e6.
2020-09-07 07:39:12 ✨ Imported #6 (0xcb5b…db21)
2020-09-07 07:39:14 ? Idle (0 peers), best: #6 (0xcb5b…db21), finalized #3 (0xd057…dfe0), ⬇ 0 ⬆ 0
2020-09-07 07:39:15 ? Starting consensus session on top of parent 0xcb5bcb8d622e93f95deeb0822ed0500d74422793b38bfaa1c7cf7a4799d3db21
2020-09-07 07:39:15 ? Prepared block for proposing at 7 [hash: 0x85c9eadf126bf0daba6982110fd8ef2f13b661e8247c3808c6658b861be20c3e; parent_hash: 0xcb5b…db21; extrinsics (2): [0xbe45…4887, 0xa39a…6960]]
2020-09-07 07:39:15 ? Pre-sealed block for proposal at 7. Hash now 0x31f0f64913af4b02d98719f96f37c5a82f6ab404e1f96dc91e56cf8f8f27f6b8, previously 0x85c9eadf126bf0daba6982110fd8ef2f13b661e8247c3808c6658b861be20c3e.
2020-09-07 07:39:15 ✨ Imported #7 (0x31f0…f6b8)
2020-09-07 07:39:18 ? Starting consensus session on top of parent 0x31f0f64913af4b02d98719f96f37c5a82f6ab404e1f96dc91e56cf8f8f27f6b8
2020-09-07 07:39:18 ? Prepared block for proposing at 8 [hash: 0x4a057e104d63d7784def003d43da9b3e333bf5f5b69be4fc6954418e19ace82a; parent_hash: 0x31f0…f6b8; extrinsics (2): [0xd616…0462, 0xc5b9…e350]]
2020-09-07 07:39:18 ? Pre-sealed block for proposal at 8. Hash now 0x026ddb720761397a34049e19be8d2e185e794f393e5e1986b5d65b1468cb81cb, previously 0x4a057e104d63d7784def003d43da9b3e333bf5f5b69be4fc6954418e19ace82a.
2020-09-07 07:39:18 ✨ Imported #8 (0x026d…81cb)
2020-09-07 07:39:19 ? Idle (0 peers), best: #8 (0x026d…81cb), finalized #5 (0xe648…31e8), ⬇ 0 ⬆ 0
2020-09-07 07:39:21 ? Starting consensus session on top of parent 0x026ddb720761397a34049e19be8d2e185e794f393e5e1986b5d65b1468cb81cb
2020-09-07 07:39:21 ? Prepared block for proposing at 9 [hash: 0x8d58e9c865aabbb5b8c3eec80d15a106d39bfe89ec864ccf18c21b1fef9abc8e; parent_hash: 0x026d…81cb; extrinsics (2): [0xc215…0183, 0xde49…95b5]]
2020-09-07 07:39:21 ? Pre-sealed block for proposal at 9. Hash now 0x81c49824c699aa35d7c1b2a3865d4ade61e6b0a7296f4863f106ba9da2ddd19c, previously 0x8d58e9c865aabbb5b8c3eec80d15a106d39bfe89ec864ccf18c21b1fef9abc8e.
2020-09-07 07:39:21 ✨ Imported #9 (0x81c4…d19c)
2020-09-07 07:39:24 ? Starting consensus session on top of parent 0x81c49824c699aa35d7c1b2a3865d4ade61e6b0a7296f4863f106ba9da2ddd19c
2020-09-07 07:39:24 ? Idle (0 peers), best: #9 (0x81c4…d19c), finalized #7 (0x31f0…f6b8), ⬇ 0 ⬆ 0
2020-09-07 07:39:24 ? Prepared block for proposing at 10 [hash: 0x588cbe09dd30583aacc367076142d54fccd9347d6572335e19dce577dfb07283; parent_hash: 0x81c4…d19c; extrinsics (2): [0x0267…282d, 0x22af…666b]]
2020-09-07 07:39:24 ? Pre-sealed block for proposal at 10. Hash now 0x9f25dc3a8c5d67d8b944ca51416945ae6df6300431eb9b196866d7a9580b5db3, previously 0x588cbe09dd30583aacc367076142d54fccd9347d6572335e19dce577dfb07283.
2020-09-07 07:39:24 ✨ Imported #10 (0x9f25…5db3)