我正在尝试使用dynamixel SDK(C#)使用unity3d控制我的Dynamixel AX-12 +伺服器。伺服器使用u2d2(不是Arduino!)连接到我的Windows 10 pc,并且在Visual Studio中工作正常。我将dll导入到一个文件中并编写了一个用于控制伺服电机的脚本,脚本中没有错误,但是当我尝试运行它时,它无法打开端口,此后,Visual Studio代码也无法打开端口(直到我断开并重新连接USB)。
// Open port (COM9)
if (dynamixel.openPort(port_num))
Debug.Log("Succeeded to open the port!");
Debug.Log("Failed to open the port!");
我使用示例SDK代码查看电机在Visual Studio (like this one)中是否正常工作
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace dynamixelunity {
//further below you can find the "DynamixelObject" class.
public class dynamixel : MonoBehaviour
const string dll_path = "dxl_x64_c";
#region PortHandler
public static extern int portHandler (string port_name);
public static extern bool openPort (int port_num);
public static extern void closePort (int port_num);
public static extern void clearPort (int port_num);
public static extern void setPortName (int port_num, string port_name);
public static extern string getPortName (int port_num);
public static extern bool setBaudRate (int port_num, int baudrate);
public static extern int getBaudRate (int port_num);
public static extern int readPort (int port_num, byte[] packet, int length);
public static extern int writePort (int port_num, byte[] packet, int length);
public static extern void setPacketTimeout (int port_num, UInt16 packet_length);
public static extern void setPacketTimeoutMSec(int port_num, double msec);
public static extern bool isPacketTimeout (int port_num);
#region PacketHandler
public static extern void packetHandler ();
public static extern IntPtr getTxRxResult (int protocol_version, int result);
public static extern IntPtr getRxPacketError (int protocol_version, byte error);
public static extern int getLastTxRxResult (int port_num, int protocol_version);
public static extern byte getLastRxPacketError(int port_num, int protocol_version);
public static extern void setDataWrite (int port_num, int protocol_version, UInt16 data_length, UInt16 data_pos, UInt32 data);
public static extern UInt32 getDataRead (int port_num, int protocol_version, UInt16 data_length, UInt16 data_pos);
public static extern void txPacket (int port_num, int protocol_version);
public static extern void rxPacket (int port_num, int protocol_version);
public static extern void txRxPacket (int port_num, int protocol_version);
public static extern void ping (int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id);
public static extern UInt16 pingGetModelNum (int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id);
public static extern void broadcastPing (int port_num, int protocol_version);
public static extern bool getBroadcastPingResult(int port_num, int protocol_version, int id);
public static extern void reboot (int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id);
public static extern void factoryReset (int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id, byte option);
public static extern void readTx (int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id, UInt16 address, UInt16 length);
public static extern void readRx (int port_num, int protocol_version, UInt16 length);
public static extern void readTxRx (int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id, UInt16 address, UInt16 length);
public static extern void read1ByteTx (int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id, UInt16 address);
public static extern byte read1ByteRx (int port_num, int protocol_version);
public static extern byte read1ByteTxRx (int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id, UInt16 address);
public static extern void read2ByteTx (int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id, UInt16 address);
public static extern UInt16 read2ByteRx (int port_num, int protocol_version);
public static extern UInt16 read2ByteTxRx (int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id, UInt16 address);
public static extern void read4ByteTx (int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id, UInt16 address);
public static extern UInt32 read4ByteRx (int port_num, int protocol_version);
public static extern UInt32 read4ByteTxRx (int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id, UInt16 address);
public static extern void writeTxOnly (int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id, UInt16 address, UInt16 length);
public static extern void writeTxRx (int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id, UInt16 address, UInt16 length);
public static extern void write1ByteTxOnly (int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id, UInt16 address, byte data);
public static extern void write1ByteTxRx (int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id, UInt16 address, byte data);
public static extern void write2ByteTxOnly (int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id, UInt16 address, UInt16 data);
public static extern void write2ByteTxRx (int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id, UInt16 address, UInt16 data);
public static extern void write4ByteTxOnly (int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id, UInt16 address, UInt32 data);
public static extern void write4ByteTxRx (int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id, UInt16 address, UInt32 data);
public static extern void regWriteTxOnly (int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id, UInt16 address, UInt16 length);
public static extern void regWriteTxRx (int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id, UInt16 address, UInt16 length);
public static extern void syncReadTx (int port_num, int protocol_version, UInt16 start_address, UInt16 data_length, UInt16 param_length);
// syncReadRx -> GroupSyncRead
// syncReadTxRx -> GroupSyncRead
public static extern void syncWriteTxOnly (int port_num, int protocol_version, UInt16 start_address, UInt16 data_length, UInt16 param_length);
public static extern void bulkReadTx (int port_num, int protocol_version, UInt16 param_length);
// bulkReadRx -> GroupBulkRead
// bulkReadTxRx -> GroupBulkRead
public static extern void bulkWriteTxOnly (int port_num, int protocol_version, UInt16 param_length);
#region GroupBulkRead
public static extern int groupBulkRead (int port_num, int protocol_version);
public static extern bool groupBulkReadAddParam (int group_num, byte id, UInt16 start_address, UInt16 data_length);
public static extern void groupBulkReadRemoveParam(int group_num, byte id);
public static extern void groupBulkReadClearParam (int group_num);
public static extern void groupBulkReadTxPacket (int group_num);
public static extern void groupBulkReadRxPacket (int group_num);
public static extern void groupBulkReadTxRxPacket (int group_num);
public static extern bool groupBulkReadIsAvailable(int group_num, byte id, UInt16 address, UInt16 data_length);
public static extern UInt32 groupBulkReadGetData (int group_num, byte id, UInt16 address, UInt16 data_length);
#region GroupBulkWrite
public static extern int groupBulkWrite (int port_num, int protocol_version);
public static extern bool groupBulkWriteAddParam (int group_num, byte id, UInt16 start_address, UInt16 data_length, UInt32 data, UInt16 input_length);
public static extern void groupBulkWriteRemoveParam (int group_num, byte id);
public static extern bool groupBulkWriteChangeParam (int group_num, byte id, UInt16 start_address, UInt16 data_length, UInt32 data, UInt16 input_length, UInt16 data_pos);
public static extern void groupBulkWriteClearParam (int group_num);
public static extern void groupBulkWriteTxPacket (int group_num);
#region GroupSyncRead
public static extern int groupSyncRead (int port_num, int protocol_version, UInt16 start_address, UInt16 data_length);
public static extern bool groupSyncReadAddParam (int group_num, byte id);
public static extern void groupSyncReadRemoveParam (int group_num, byte id);
public static extern void groupSyncReadClearParam (int group_num);
public static extern void groupSyncReadTxPacket (int group_num);
public static extern void groupSyncReadRxPacket (int group_num);
public static extern void groupSyncReadTxRxPacket (int group_num);
public static extern bool groupSyncReadIsAvailable (int group_num, byte id, UInt16 address, UInt16 data_length);
public static extern UInt32 groupSyncReadGetData (int group_num, byte id, UInt16 address, UInt16 data_length);
#region GroupSyncWrite
public static extern int groupSyncWrite (int port_num, int protocol_version, UInt16 start_address, UInt16 data_length);
public static extern bool groupSyncWriteAddParam (int group_num, byte id, UInt32 data, UInt16 data_length);
public static extern void groupSyncWriteRemoveParam (int group_num, byte id);
public static extern bool groupSyncWriteChangeParam (int group_num, byte id, UInt32 data, UInt16 data_length, UInt16 data_pos);
public static extern void groupSyncWriteClearParam (int group_num);
public static extern void groupSyncWriteTxPacket (int group_num);
public class DynamixelObject : MonoBehaviour {
// Control table address
public const int ADDR_MX_TORQUE_ENABLE = 24; // Control table address is different in Dynamixel model
public const int ADDR_MX_GOAL_POSITION = 30;
public const int ADDR_MX_PRESENT_POSITION = 36;
// Protocol version
public const int PROTOCOL_VERSION = 1; // See which protocol version is used in the Dynamixel
// Default setting
public const int DXL_ID = 1; // Dynamixel ID: 1
public const int BAUDRATE = 1000000;
public const string DEVICENAME = "COM9"; // Check which port is being used on your controller
// ex) Windows: "COM1" Linux: "/dev/ttyUSB0" Mac: "/dev/tty.usbserial-*"
public const int TORQUE_ENABLE = 1; // Value for enabling the torque
public const int TORQUE_DISABLE = 0; // Value for disabling the torque
public const int DXL_MINIMUM_POSITION_VALUE = 100; // Dynamixel will rotate between this value
public const int DXL_MAXIMUM_POSITION_VALUE = 4000; // and this value (note that the Dynamixel would not move when the position value is out of movable range. s
public const int DXL_MOVING_STATUS_THRESHOLD = 10; // Dynamixel moving status threshold
public const byte ESC_ASCII_VALUE = 0x1b;
public const int COMM_SUCCESS = 0; // Communication Success result value
public const int COMM_TX_FAIL = -1001; // Communication Tx Failed
// Initialize PortHandler Structs
// Set the port path
// Get methods and members of PortHandlerLinux or PortHandlerWindows
int port_num = dynamixel.portHandler(DEVICENAME);
void start(){
// Initialize PacketHandler Structs
int index = 0;
int dxl_comm_result = COMM_TX_FAIL; // Communication result
UInt16[] dxl_goal_position = new UInt16[2]{ DXL_MINIMUM_POSITION_VALUE, DXL_MAXIMUM_POSITION_VALUE }; // Goal position
byte dxl_error = 0; // Dynamixel error
UInt16 dxl_present_position = 0; // Present position
// Open port (COM9)
if (dynamixel.openPort(port_num))
Debug.Log("Succeeded to open the port!");
Debug.Log("Failed to open the port!");
// Set port baudrate
if (dynamixel.setBaudRate(port_num, BAUDRATE))
Debug.Log("Succeeded to change the baudrate!");
Debug.Log("Failed to change the baudrate!");
void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
//Enable motor torque
if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Space))
//disable motor torque
答案 0 :(得分:0)
好吧,我发现了什么问题! 退出统一游戏模式后,我忘了关闭端口。 退出播放模式后,以下代码将关闭端口:
public static class PlayStateNotifier
static PlayStateNotifier()
EditorApplication.playModeStateChanged += ModeChanged;
static void ModeChanged(PlayModeStateChange playModeState)
if (playModeState == PlayModeStateChange.EnteredEditMode)
Debug.Log("Entered Edit mode.");
Debug.Log("Closing dynamixel port! :D");