
时间:2020-08-27 01:35:40

标签: javascript html django drop-down-menu dropdown

我为品牌和型号设置了从属下拉列表。 Javascript用于检测Make上的更改,然后从Model中过滤/填充Model下拉列表。这似乎运作良好。

我需要child下拉值,然后在另一个通过视图创建的html页面上执行广告资源搜索。我不是传递子值,而是始终返回父值。这意味着我可以使用品牌生成搜索/过滤器,但不能根据需要使用模型。 我已经尝试了许多请求组合和更改下拉菜单,以及尝试通过隐藏变量来获取Java脚本变量来代替通过name属性.....来下拉下拉菜单的方法,到目前为止没有成功。 真的需要一些指导。


{% extends "app/layout.html" %}

{% block content %}

    <script src=""></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha512-nMNlpuaDPrqlEls3IX/Q56H36qvBASwb3ipuo3MxeWbsQB1881ox0cRv7UPTgBlriqoynt35KjEwgGUeUXIPnw==" crossorigin="anonymous" />

                    var $makevar = $("#makeddl");
                        $modelvar = $("#modelddl");
                        $options = $modelvar.find('option');
                        $modelvar.html($options.filter('[value="' + this.value + '"]'));
        <script type="text/javascript"> 
            function getOption() { 
                selectElement =  document.querySelector('#modelddl');         
                var $modelval = selectElement.value; 

<div class="container">
    <div class="jumbotron" style="background-image: url(; background-size: 100% 110%;">
        <h3 style ="color:midnightblue; text-align:left; font-family:verdana">
            Take the hassle ... 
                out of the haggle ...

        <p color:white;"></p>

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-4">
        <h2>Browse the Showroom</h2>
            <p>Choose a make, model and a county to get started</p>
            {#<! -- Drop Downs  -->#}
            <form  action = "{% url 'search_results'%}" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="get"> 
                <label for="makeddl">Choose Make</label>
                    {<select id="makeddl" name="makeselection">
                        <option  disabled selected="true">Choose Make</option>
                        {% for makes in MotorMakesView %}
                        <option value ="{{ makes.MotorMakeName}}"> {{ makes.MotorMakeName }} </option>      
                        {% endfor %}
                <label for="modelddl">Choose Model</label>
                    <select id="modelddl" name="modelselection"> 
                        <option disabled selected ="True">\Choose Model</option>
                        {% for mods in MotorModelsView %}
                        <option value= "{{ mods.MotorMakeName}}"> {{ mods.MotorModelName}} </option>    
                        {% endfor %}
                <label for="countyddl">Choose County</label>
                    <select type>
                        {% for result in County %}
                        {% endfor %}
                <input type="hidden" name="modelval" value=""/>
             {#<! -- Submit Button -->#} 
                <input type="submit" class="btn btn-default" value="Search &raquo" &raquo; />
                {% csrf_token %}

    <div class="col-md-4">
        <h2>Estimate Trade-in Value</h2>
        <p>Estimate the trade in value fo your car before speaking with the dealer.</p>
        <p><a class="btn btn-default" href="">Learn more &raquo;</a></p>
    <div class="col-md-4">
        <h2>Arrange a Loan</h2>
        <p>Apply for a loan with our partner ....</p>
        <p><a class="btn btn-default" href="">Learn more &raquo;</a></p>
{% endblock %}


{% extends "app/layout.html" %}
<html lang="en" xmlns="">

{% block content %}

    <meta charset="utf-8" />
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha512-nMNlpuaDPrqlEls3IX/Q56H36qvBASwb3ipuo3MxeWbsQB1881ox0cRv7UPTgBlriqoynt35KjEwgGUeUXIPnw==" crossorigin="anonymous" />
    <title>Search Results</title>
    <h1><Strong>Here are your deals;</Strong></h1>

            <table class= "table table-striped">
                <thead class="thead-dark">
                        <th scope="col">Garage ID</th>
                        <th scope="col">Model</th>
                        <th scope="col">Make</th>
                        <th scope="col">Title</th>
                        <th scope="col">Year</th>
                        <th scope="col">Body</th>
                        <th scope="col">Offer Price</th>
                        <th scope="col">RRP</th>

                    {% for inv in  GarageInventoryView %}
                <tbody class = "table table-hover">
                        {% for mods in MotorDetailsView %}
                            <td>{{}}> {{ mods.RRP}}</td>
                        {% endfor %}
                    {% endfor %}


{% endblock %}

def SearchInventory(request):
    if request.method=='GET':
        inputvalue = request.GET['modelselection']
        displayInventory = GarageInventory.objects.all().filter(ListModel=inputvalue)
        displayInventory = GarageInventory.objects.all()

    return render(request, 'search_results.html', {'GarageInventoryView':displayInventory})

path('', views.home, name='home'),
url(r'^search_results/$', views.SearchInventory, name ='search_results'),

0 个答案:
