我希望脚本自动为所有基因绘制图形,而无需为每个基因重写它。我认为这样做的好方法是先列出基因,然后再进行for循环。 for循环将包含我之前的脚本,该脚本可以工作,并且对于列表中的每个项目,它都会生成一个图形。
# fetches all data from excel file
Alldata.Table = read_excel("E:/data/datafile.xlsx", sheet = "sheet1")
#selects cell number data, normalizes cell numbers to a reference cell number
celldata.Table.Normalized <- as.data.frame(apply(Alldata.Table[, c(34:39)], 2, function(x) {x/Alldata.Table[,33]}))
colnames(celldata.Table.Normalized) <- colnames(Alldata.Table[, c(34:39)])
celldata.Table.Long <- pivot_longer(cell.Table.Normalized, cols = colnames(celldata.Table.Normalized))
#adds anonymous patient number to cell data, there are 6 cell types so each patient number is repeated 6 times.
#This information doesn't appear on the graph but I used it to check the data was being moved around correctly
#and the cell number results match the patient samples as they do in the original table
celldata.Table.Long$patient <- rep(Alldata.Table$`PatientNo`, each = 6)
#adds gene variant information
celldata.Table.Long$Gene1 <- rep(Alldata.Table$`Gene1`, each = 6)
#makes boxplot
q <- ggplot(celldata.Table.Long, aes(x = name, y = value, fill = Gene1)) +
xlab("Gene 1 variant")+
ylab("Relative proportions")+
q + stat_compare_means(aes(group = Gene1), label.y = .5, label="p.signif")
genelist <- list("Gene1", "Gene2", "Gene3")
for (i in seq_along(genelist)) {
celldata.Table.Long$genelist[i] <- rep(alldata.Table$genelist[i], each = 6)
q <- ggplot(celldata.Table.Long, aes(x = name, y = value, fill = genelist[i])) +
xlab("Gene variant")+
ylab("Relative proportions")+
q + stat_compare_means(aes(group = Gene1), label.y = .5, label="p.signif")
第一个问题是“ $ Gene1”被识别为基因1的列,即使“ genelist [1]”对应于“ Gene1”,也无法识别“ genelist [1]”。 (我收到错误消息“未知或未初始化的列:genelist