
时间:2020-08-12 14:43:54

标签: python pandas dataframe time-series assign



date                importance
2006-12-05 10:35:00     HIGH
2006-12-13 02:40:00     LOW


index                     value
2006-12-05 08:03:01.985    6
2006-12-05 08:11:34.130    7
2006-12-05 08:20:05.959    6
2006-12-05 08:28:38.104    6
2006-12-05 08:37:02.995    6
2006-12-05 08:45:35.140    5
2006-12-05 08:54:06.969    6
2006-12-05 09:02:59.928    6
2006-12-05 09:11:32.072    6
2006-12-05 09:20:03.901    6
2006-12-05 09:28:36.046    5
2006-12-05 09:37:00.937    5
2006-12-05 09:45:33.082    6
2006-12-05 09:54:04.911    6
2006-12-05 10:02:04.889    6
2006-12-05 10:10:37.034    5
2006-12-05 10:19:08.863    6
2006-12-05 10:27:41.008    5
2006-12-05 10:36:04.953    5
2006-12-05 10:44:37.098    5
2006-12-13 02:06:00.898    1
2006-12-13 02:14:33.043    1
2006-12-13 02:23:04.872    1
2006-12-13 02:31:03.904    1
2006-12-13 02:39:36.048    1
2006-12-13 02:48:07.878    2
2006-12-13 02:56:40.022    5
2006-12-13 03:05:04.914    2
2006-12-13 03:13:37.058    3
2006-12-13 03:22:08.888    6
2006-12-13 03:31:03.108    1
2006-12-13 03:39:34.937    1
2006-12-13 03:48:07.081    1
2006-12-13 03:56:38.911    2
2006-12-13 04:05:04.117    3


index                      value    new_value
2006-12-05 08:03:01.985    6        
2006-12-05 08:11:34.130    7        
2006-12-05 08:20:05.959    6        
2006-12-05 08:28:38.104    6
2006-12-05 08:37:02.995    6
2006-12-05 08:45:35.140    5
2006-12-05 08:54:06.969    6
2006-12-05 09:02:59.928    6
2006-12-05 09:11:32.072    6
2006-12-05 09:20:03.901    6
2006-12-05 09:28:36.046    5
2006-12-05 09:37:00.937    5
2006-12-05 09:45:33.082    6
2006-12-05 09:54:04.911    6
2006-12-05 10:02:04.889    6
2006-12-05 10:10:37.034    5
2006-12-05 10:19:08.863    6
2006-12-05 10:27:41.008    5        
2006-12-05 10:36:04.953    5            HIGH
2006-12-05 10:44:37.098    5
2006-12-13 02:06:00.898    1
2006-12-13 02:14:33.043    1
2006-12-13 02:23:04.872    1
2006-12-13 02:31:03.904    1
2006-12-13 02:39:36.048    1            LOW
2006-12-13 02:48:07.878    2
2006-12-13 02:56:40.022    5
2006-12-13 03:05:04.914    2
2006-12-13 03:13:37.058    3
2006-12-13 03:22:08.888    6
2006-12-13 03:31:03.108    1
2006-12-13 03:39:34.937    1
2006-12-13 03:48:07.081    1
2006-12-13 03:56:38.911    2
2006-12-13 04:05:04.117    3


def getNearestDate(items, pivot):
    return min(items, key=lambda x: abs(x - pivot))

items = second_df.index
for pivot in first_df.date:
    d = getNearestDate(items, pivot)
    second_df.loc[second_df.index == d, 'new_value'] = first_df.importance


2006-12-05 10:36:04.953000
2006-12-13 02:39:36.048000

因此,这几天应该将“重要性”中的值放入。 另外,在new_value列上,所有内容均为NAN。


5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您已使用loc中的条件 second_df.index == d 并在满足条件的索引处返回true,而不是索引。

代替使用 second_df[second_df.index == d].index.values

答案 1 :(得分:0)

您已经有了for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) { if (arr[i - 1] == 0) { insert at i a 0; } } insert at i a 0: // First move the remaining to the right: i .. n-2 ... // Then fill in the zero arr[i] = 0; 所需的遮罩。这样会生成一个pandas.Series,其值second_df.index == d为真,而True为假。您可以False一起使用多个掩码,以获取任何掩码中|=的所有行。只需将该系列作为“ new_value”列添加到第二个数据框即可。


如果您确实希望mask = False for pivot in first_df.date: mask |= second_df.index == getNearestDate(second_df.index, pivot) second_df['new_value'] = mask 'X'''True的别名,则还可以在添加系列到数据框。



如果要获取第一个数据帧的mask = False for pivot in first_df.date: mask |= second_df.index == getNearestDate(second_df.index, pivot) second_df['new_value'] = mask.apply(lambda x: 'X' if bool(x) else '') 值,则可以简单地使用getNearestDate函数来确定哪些行需要该值,然后将它们与第二个数据帧合并。


答案 2 :(得分:0)


# note the method and the tolerance. Change them to whatever works best for your actual data
new_df = df2.merge(df.reindex(df2.index, method='nearest', limit=1, tolerance='2T'),
                   left_index=True, right_index=True)

                         value importance
2006-12-05 08:03:01.985      6        NaN
2006-12-05 08:11:34.130      7        NaN
2006-12-05 08:20:05.959      6        NaN
2006-12-05 08:28:38.104      6        NaN
2006-12-05 08:37:02.995      6        NaN
2006-12-05 08:45:35.140      5        NaN
2006-12-05 08:54:06.969      6        NaN
2006-12-05 09:02:59.928      6        NaN
2006-12-05 09:11:32.072      6        NaN
2006-12-05 09:20:03.901      6        NaN
2006-12-05 09:28:36.046      5        NaN
2006-12-05 09:37:00.937      5        NaN
2006-12-05 09:45:33.082      6        NaN
2006-12-05 09:54:04.911      6        NaN
2006-12-05 10:02:04.889      6        NaN
2006-12-05 10:10:37.034      5        NaN
2006-12-05 10:19:08.863      6        NaN
2006-12-05 10:27:41.008      5        NaN
2006-12-05 10:36:04.953      5       HIGH
2006-12-05 10:44:37.098      5        NaN
2006-12-13 02:06:00.898      1        NaN
2006-12-13 02:14:33.043      1        NaN
2006-12-13 02:23:04.872      1        NaN
2006-12-13 02:31:03.904      1        NaN
2006-12-13 02:39:36.048      1        LOW
2006-12-13 02:48:07.878      2        NaN
2006-12-13 02:56:40.022      5        NaN
2006-12-13 03:05:04.914      2        NaN
2006-12-13 03:13:37.058      3        NaN
2006-12-13 03:22:08.888      6        NaN
2006-12-13 03:31:03.108      1        NaN
2006-12-13 03:39:34.937      1        NaN
2006-12-13 03:48:07.081      1        NaN
2006-12-13 03:56:38.911      2        NaN
2006-12-13 04:05:04.117      3        NaN

答案 3 :(得分:0)



    def getNearestDate(items, pivot):
        return min(items, key=lambda x: abs(x - pivot))
    items = second_df.index
    for pivot in first_df.date:
        d = getNearestDate(items, pivot)
    ## Adding Data to your second df   
    for index,locations in enumerate(loc):

答案 4 :(得分:0)


items = second_df.index
dates = []

for pivot in first_df.date:
    dates.append(getNearestDate(items, pivot))
first_df['new_date'] = dates


first_df = first_df.drop(columns="date")


first_df.set_index("new_date", inplace =True)


second_df = second_df.merge(first_df, how = "left",left_index=True, right_index=True)


second_df.importance = second_df.importance.fillna(0)